The Sports Quiz on DD Podhigai on to Glory -- Celebrating the 700th Episode
They say time flies – How true is that ? Very true is my assessment .The BSNL Sports Quiz – a dial in and answer a Sports Quiz Program that started in 2002 gets to it 700 the episode coming Sunday ( 18 th October 2015 ) Originally telecast live on Saturday , the program has now settled down to the Sunday 9-10 PM Slot. Not an easy achievement at all to have this program delivered every week for the past 699 weeks . Kudos to DD Podhigai Channel for doing this along with Dr Sumanth Raman , the encyclopedia of Sports of all types. I have travelled this journey during the last 12 years or so week after week with great passion and trying to dial in and answer a question. It does not matter where I am but this one hour is a great way to complete the week end relaxation and enjoy and relish my passion . What ticks this Program so well – Several things : The Anchor Dr Sumanth Raman Dr Sumanth Raman – you should watch the...