Thaneer Thanner 2.0
The notification from the Chennai Metro Water Board that they will deliver water needs within 2 days made my heart glad. Whether they deliver or not in 2 days is a big question but even if they do in seven days and on a scheduled time basis will give Big Big relief to people like me and others in my society and throughout the city who have gone bonkers trying to manage the water ordering , storage and supply and maintaining water availability schedules. This issue built up stress to many in the city. Ours is a very small flat – just five and with two out of the five flats being let out , the onus is on the balance three to manage the booking and the affairs. One may say it is an easy task compared to other big assn where number of flats are more – I am not disputing that .. But everyone is going through massive amount of time being spent – on discussions , arguments etc etc. just to manage the water. Early in January of this year , we threes...