Creating Sensation

The above picture came through our Whatsapp Group of the society last Sunday evening around 7 pm or so. The person who posted it said that this was lying on the North side at the rear of the building.The amount of panic that it created cannot be described. One suggested call the Police. There was panic in the entire building . More chats exchanged until one of the inmates mustered courage and pulled the blanket off and they saw this . The moment this picture came through , there was sigh of relief , But what anxious moments one went through. One Suggestion was something went wrong behind the building and someone threw this over the wall in to our compound. ... It was a messy one hour that the group members went through. As we found out later , some one had dumped the blinds at the rear and had not removed it. This was not a recent event and one the inmates who was affected by this as he could not park his car , decided to create sensation by dr...