March 12th Updates

50,000 crore rupees is the value of fruits and vegetables India produces in a year

3 Million Dollars was paid to Hollywood actor Cameroon Diaz for a Japanese mobile phone commercial

1594 percent is the inflation rate if Zimbabwe, the highest in the world

Average Russian men dies at 59 and 13 years less than Russian women ( Must be the Vodka )

Quotable quotes

Let the players not follow us-- Somnath Chatterji Speaker of the Lok Sabha advising the Indian team to play with discipline and not to emulate parlimentarians

Like a tree offers shade, I look after every traveller-- Lalu Prasad Yadav-- Railway Minister

For me rasicism would mean not wanting to have anything to do with someone because of their colour-- Shilpa Shetty Actor and Big Brother show winner

Iran has obtained the technolgy to produce nuclear fuel and Iran's move is like a train which has no brakes and no reverse gear-- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iran President.



DJ's beware ! The ruhal Khap community in the state has outlawed them from hosting wedding bashes. Those voilating the diktat will be fined Rs 11,000. Sind time offenders will have to pay Rs 21,000 and third time it is social boycott--
Reason for all this ? Their cattle cannot sleep because of the loud music.


A Nostradamus act has landed astrologer Sivsamy in the dock. He predicted " long life " for a dead man. Gopalakrishnan of Madurai wanted a peep in to his future but just to be certain of Sivaswamy's skills he first gave the astrloger the thumb impression of a man who was no more. Sivaswamy predicted from the thumb impression that the man would live a long life. Gopalakrishnan filed a complaint against the predictor for cheating-- Wonder what the future holds for Sivaswamy


A few prisoners of the Sendhwa jail have seen a Ghost. Atop a neem tree near the jail. And all of them have climbed the Neem tree to attempt suicide. The jailers have now chopped its branches off. But the ghost ? Wait , till the new branches sprout !!


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