August 13th

17.38 metres is the height of the statue of bahubali at Shravanabelag0la in karnatake which is the world's biggest single stone statue

2050 is the year when India will overtake the US in economic growth says Ernst & young European Attractivemess survey

1.21 crores is the annual earnings of Yerawada jail from sticihing charges ( now in the newlines for Sanjay Dutt is hosted here )


I believe in democracy. I hope to live safely in this country ad a democrat. Taslim nasreen After being attackd at Hyderabad.

Legalise corruption. At least then we would not feel so helpless and frustrated- Mithun Chakraborthy Actor on road ahead in India

When people tell her that i am not her biological mother , she tells them that she is from my heart.- Sushmita Sen Actor on her adopted daughter Renee

Sharad Pawar is a senior Politician. Does he have time for cricket- Kapil Dev former Crickter

Why isn't bollywood sheding tears for the victoms of the bomb blasts ? Ujjwal Nikam Prosecutor in 1993 Bombay blasts case on the film industry's response to Sanjay dutt's sentence

Humour Club--
I found the time to attend the Humour Club meeting on August 12th-- For information the Triplicane chapter meets every month on the second Sunday at PS School at 4 PM- Some nice anecdotes to share

First One
Tenkachi Swaminathan ( All India Radio artiste ) was invited to a village near Thiruvarur to give a talk -- he agreed and only when he reached there realised that he was assigned to inagurate a Hearse van-- The villagers had taken pains to get this ready -- the crematorium was at the next village and now one had the energy to carry a corpse and hence the hearse van. Now Tenkachi was stunned - How do you inagurate a " Hearse van " ?
tenkachi the master of wit , quickly cut the ribbon , addressed the crowd and told them that since he was from outstation he cannot use the van -- he encouraged them to use the van diligently and daily and also suggested that it be assigned on a daily basis to a family !!

The second one was different-- One political reporter walked to the stage to share this
He was covering the launch of the Tamil Manila Congress by Moopanar in Tirunelveli-- One the agenda items was the re launch of the Kamaraj rule if TMC came to power-- A stalwart got up to speak about the Kamarak rule-- he said the Ministers were honest , the govt officials only did their duty etc., he went on to add that one Minister who quit his post took a Pallavan bus to reach his home-- Another who died , did not have enough money for a burial-- All this was insipiring and awesome speech -- So you thought-- The crowd started disappearing from the meeting-- the reporter was amused and started to check one of the attendees who was leaving-- the man replied -- Who wants to join this party-- One will never make money --cannot buy land , mobile, Tata Sumo and so on-- By the time the speaker has concluded his " Kamaraj Rule " , the venue was empty-- the reported told Moopanar about this and TMC promptly stopped using the USP " Kamaraj Rule " --

The chief guest or the main speaker was Siva Karthikeyan who won the Kallka povathu Yaru Part 3 title-- Cash award of 5 lakhs-- this guy is still a student -- having completed his BE , he is pursuing his MBA and has lot to offer- Look out for this young man who knows what the audience wants ( repeat Customer wants )


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