Fifteen Years with Ford -- Is it too long .. Not Really.. Just 15 years !!

It was a defining moment when I finished 15 years with Ford.. It was defining for many reasons…

1. The employee number that I carry is a special number .. No :001 and so for the number 1 to stay with the same company for fifteen years sends in a great message to the young youngsters.
2. I was not expecting a celebration for this , but the teams that work with me more than surprised me .. Cake cutting , a lovely pictorial frame of my pictures was done up …. People worked on it to get the right pictures and frame it .. Thank you guys.
3. A write up on the Ford website that brought in lot of attention and comments on to the post was truly a humbling experience.
4. The comments told that I was doing the right thing in many ways and it was testimonial to my leadership.. What more can you want ?
5. The challenge bar is much higher post all this -- Need to raise the bar , not just maintain it .

Comments by various people helped me walk the journey of the past fifteen years. I realised how hard we had all worked .. Was that a problem ?
No ,, As long as you enjoyed the work and the challenge that we had , there was no complaints. There are always minor irritants all through but they are MINOR .. So they do not hurt at all.

Ford is a great company to work for , the brand is so powerful, people who work with you are a tremendous bunch of guys always raring to go with a Success Mindset , never say die and can do attitude …and it is all about building enduring relationships with all people.

There is never a dull moment and I have enjoyed every moment of this journey and will enjoy more of it .
The impact that we have done as a team doing various CSR initiatives has been very impactful on various sects of the people..

Family support plays a great role in you building your career. My Mom and wife have been of great support all through backing me in times of stress and strain. Not that it is picture perfect all the time but it has been very good.

There are many reasons that people find when they decide to leave a company .. I am yet to find one for myself ..I am thankful to the Company and teams for not allowing me to find that

As the Ford Tag line goes " Every day is exciting and I am feeling the difference "

PS -- Planning to write more on this.. This is quick one just to thank everyone for the sucess so far.


Venky said…
Sri, Congratulations on your completion of fifteen years at Ford. I completed 10 years at Ford 2 weeks back and I completely agree with your assessment of why Ford is a great place to be in. I wish you continued success and many more milestones and laurels as approach the next 15 fifteen at Ford.
Madhu Rao said…
Sri - Congratulations on the significant milestone and Thank You for all the help you have extended to all comers. Wish You the very best for many more accomplishments and milestones the rest of the way.
S.K.Vadivelan said…
Congratulations Sri. This is a significant milestone and I am sure you enjoyed your time with Ford. Wish you a great career further ahead!

The interview was good.
Srikumar said…
Congrats, Sri! 15 years with one Company is a significant milestone by itself and when that Company is Ford, it could never be any better. FBSC has come a long way and your contribution to our success has been phenemonal. Wishing you many more successful years ahead with Ford.
Purna said…
Hearty Congratulations Sri..Wishing you all the very best.
Naresh said…
Sri, Congratulations on your completion of 15yrs with FBSC, you should be realy proud of holding the emp No. L1., this is a very unique achivement I would say in todays world.

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