The Two Way -- One Way -- Two Way -- No way ? Take Aways

This may be a lousy topic to write on , but I am penning this down just to provoke some thinking on we can do - on grooming and managing expectations. Two incidents that I thought , I can share to get our thoughts going on how we can refine , manage expectations and be good leaders.

Situation 1:

On the TTK Road and CP Ramasway road in Alwarpet ( where I live and have to wade through these two roads often ) traffic was allowed to flow both ways until a couple of years back or so. Then ,in the name of traffic pattern study ( devious way to implement a change-- how nice ), changes were made and both TTK and CP Ramasway became one way for traffic flow. Then some more changes were made on "side roads" to ensure that vehicle flow through a particular road would be minimum or not allowed at all. It looked stupid but the change was made. We all realised the changes were made to accommodate a Minister of the old regime who lived on that road. People protested , bus stops changed and the buses stopped at places where there was no need but who cared ?

Change in government recently -- Change again-- Status Quo restored. Both TTK Road and CP Ramaswamy road have become two way and that particular street which was tweaked is retweaked for good traffic flow !! What about the Minister and the street where he resides ? Who cares for him now ?
Posters came up thanking the Chief Minister for restoring this two way system !!I did not realise that a CM would get involved in this decision… This change for sure helps people using public transport and that i think should be glad for everyone .

The incident above is a great example of bad governance and misuse of official position . We elect leaders for them to give back to the people lot of good things and we find them completing their "wish list " rather than focussing on their job. What a pity… and it gets so bad that they could turn round things such as flow of traffic to suit their personal needs !!

Second Situation :

Had another great incident this Sunday. I was leaving a prominent shop in TNagar in my car , when a car zipped in and waited for a parking slot. The attendant was waiting for my car to move to attend to the car that zipped in. Out came a voice from the car that shouted. " We are from the Ministers house and need to be attended quickly". My wife who was about to get in , went to the other car and gave a dressing down to the owner of the voice. It was kid who could not be more than seven years old . And he was shouting and using "influence ".

It is all about grooming and not throwing weight.. Learn to live simple and live with others. I am sure this kid will not do it , for he comes from a house that is exactly against all this !

What we sow is what we reap !!


Aravind said…
First one was an interesting one and typical of a stereotype 'people-in-influencing-position'.

Some more examples that I can think of are a Doctor trying to get a medical seat, a railway employee trying to get a tatkal ticket, EB employee trying to get additional phase load etc. I guess this is more to do with the show-off attitude that builds up - "I am so-and-so, holding so-and-so position and I am capable of doing so-and-so change. I do it to show that I can".

The second one is a well deserved one. That kid will think twice atleast for the next time! :)
Thought provoking article. Keep it up!
shobha arvind said…
First one is typical..It all started with change in bus numbers if u remember in late 80s and early 90s..
Second-the kid deserves..atleast the next generations people please change.

good one srikanth..

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