How the week end could be -- Plan it , Work hard to Relax

The week end that went past ( Feb 11/12 ) was one of those hectic ones but I did have a good time. Plenty of things to do but I managed to do all of them and enjoyed doing so thoroughly. As I wrote down my week end check list of things to do during the mid week , I was overwhelmed with the things that I wanted to accomplish over the week end. The list had family lunch/ Dinners , visit to a temple, celebrations etc etc. It needed lot of planning , energy and enthusiasm , stringent timelines to be met , support of family and others.
Here is the list that I went through over the week end.

Morning beach walk with colleagues for one hour ( give another 45 minutes to get to the beach , yank , limber around )
Banking work post Breakfast - Enroute drop / pick up daughter from her class
Noon - Lunch with In laws ( Acid Test ) at home so no travel time or ordering and waiting. All ready at home done by Mom and Wife ( how nice )
Post Lunch -- Fuel the car and do shopping for next week travel
Cat nap for 20 minutes to get refreshed for travel
13:30 -- Visit to temple ( 90kms away - plan for 5.5 hours to go and come back )
19:00 -- Return home to refreshen up

In between return from Temple to Dinner venue visit , watch my favourite Club ManU play ( watched when Rooney scored two goals and which sealed the match for ManU )
19:30 -- Dinner out with Brother in law ( who will refuse if you are not the host )
22:00 Hours -- Dial in to Sports Quiz and win !!

7:30 Am -- Attend Discourse on Religion ( one hour and thirty minutes for breakfast at venue of Discourse ).
10:00 - Attend House Warming and 60 the birthday celebrations ( plan only to eat lunch !! And get there at that time ( he he ) ).
12 Noon -- Do Emails and get ready for next week.
14-00 Leave for Adayar -- Daughter and her class mate sing at the temple ( two songs ). Happy time to see her perform at a public venue .
16:00 Hours till around end of match -- watch India pull off a win against Aussies. How could Dhoni be so cool ? And that six in the final over- unmatched viewing pleasure . Ice Man !!
19:00 -- Family Dinner with cousin to celebrate her 25th wedding Day> Meet up cousins , yank , laugh etc etc .
20:45 -- Finish Dinner and go and attend Colleague's wedding reception.

Excellent list - is it not ?

I did all of that and was happy that I was busy , engaged , planned well , got all the support from everyone , had my own space, kept different people engaged with me and in doing all of this was relaxed and had good fun in each of the things I did. Worked hard to relax !!
Was that relaxing ? You guys can make your own conclusions but I was happy through the week end.


DEV said…

Wow, amazing – Your calendar is full even on weekends :)

Your blog is reiterating the fact that time is precious and need to be spent wisely.

Just wanted to say ‘Thank You’ for To Do List which you shared in ‘Time Mgt session’. It is working for me in both official as well as personal life.

Waheeda Sheriff said…
Hi Sri,

This would be a very good tip for us to plan, manage & enjoy the weekend.

Thank you.

Pramal Kelat said…
Wish I had your energy on weekends :)
Subram said…
Amazing Sri. Great summary of all the vents.. When I was reading you, Sahana, Mam and your mom was running in my mind.... Inspiring Blog.. Thanks for Sharing
Aravind said…
Love the word, 'Acid Test'. One need to experience it!!

90 km away - I can guess Melmaruvathur, Uthramerur, Kanchipuram and Sholingur. Was that something different?

Congrats for winning the DDSQ. What gift hamper did Dr.SR send you :) ?
V Ramesh said…

Overwhelming and Amazing. You have the energy and the will. May be your will feeds the energy and on top of it you enjoy doing it. Perfect

can only admire
Sri said…
Arvind -- it was Tirutanni -- I am glad that you did not pick that one !!..For BSNL , they give you calling cards and they are most useful ..
shobha arvind said…
wonderful..mind blowing energy..keep it up.. wish i could be weekend before it starts ends also..

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