Service Delinquency but Expectations Sky High !

Rendering a servicing  as per agreed discussions ( read terms ) or completing a sale that meets the product specification are expected norms in any dealings . But does this happen at all times. I am sure all of us engage in one form of sale/ service buying every day and not sure if we check to see if we are happy with result of what we got. I also have no clue as to why some incidents during last week left me fuming on the lack of complete service delivery. 
Here are those instances that put me bewildered with what people expect although they may not do a good job of what they are supposed to do.

1. Was on a personal trip to Mumbai and on the way back to the Airport, was arranged a taxi. I realized that it was not a taxi as I got in. A smart car owner was using it as a taxi service when the car was idle. The fare was agreed before the trip. The air-conditioning did not work . I figured this out after a kilometer of travel. Either it was in that state before the journey or it just failed as we started. It was terribly hot and after a grueling drive in the Sun for 75 minutes reached the airport. I was soaked with perspiration. I requested that there be reduction in the fare since the Aircon did not work. No way. Pay the full fare. I tried my best but in vain. The guy who drove the vehicle would not budge and in my endeavor to get to  a cooler place ( read airport ) , I paid in full.

2. This was the next day ---It was time to buy Dolls for the Navrathri festival. Ended up at Kuralagam where the Government allows vendors to put up stalls and sell their exhibits. Every year , you go looking for new Exihbits  that have not yet featured on your Show. We found some interesting exhibits in one of the stalls and picked up three sets. The  good thing at these exhibition is that you can negotiate the price. The lady at the counter offered discounts and we were about to close the deal when the owner sneaked in and knowing that we have decided to buy held on to the original prices. It was becoming difficult since we had decided on the exhibits and this person intervened as the lady was preparing the invoice with the discounted numbers and sternly told that the products will come at the original price. Unwilling to give up, we went ahead , paid the original amount and came home feeling grumpy!

3. Tired of the Doll purchase , went to a small restaurant that was opened recently and had some rave reviews about serving traditional short eats. We expected that we will be served quickly and could get out in 15 minutes max. We ordered and to our surprise found stuff getting to other tables and no sign of the guy who took our order. After getting the attention of the guy at Gallapetti , we found our guy but no stuff ! Finally after some chase and show of long faces by us , we got our short eats ( cold ! ) and it tool close to 45 minutes to finish. When the bill came , I wanted to pay and move on . But our friend stood , waiting for the tip… The guy did a bad job but he expected the tip !

In all instances , it was clear that people expect to be paid in full whether they completed their service in full or not. These may not be of great hurt on the wallet but my concern is how do we manage these expectations… I also consciously avoided getting frustrated.

Is it the  same everywhere ( read expectations -- pun intended )
May be my expectations are not correct !

Any thoughts ?


Aravind said…
Interesting. I think things are aligning towards extremities. On one hand you have a pleasant follow-up call from a call centre to check whether you are happy with their service, and on the other hand, you have a case where service is just a tick mark against what is perceived as just a duty!

And yes, when our normal expectations (which are seen as the second category as high) are not met, it is really frustrating :)
Partha said…
These experiences have become quite common in day-to-day life - the main reason being "CHALTA HAI" Attitude. Except for places where they care for brand image (which are very few) the rest are purely demand and supply. Most of the vendors are crafty amd fly by night attitude - this includes some of the big names in business. Although some of them are covered by consumer courts, the entire system requires a revamp - better moral values and ethical business practises.
Naresh said…
Similar bad experience i recently had in a very famous Heart hospital in the city, my father was hardly there for 45 mins with out even starting the treatment...but I had to spend 90 mins to settle the bill and get the required docs..

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