Humour Club 2013 First Meeting

I had been missing the club meetings for the past three months or so. It so happened that I was not in town on the second Sunday ( which is the schedule day for each month of the Humour Club ) or something else came up.  The normal agenda for the meeting is an” Open Joke Session” which allows members / nonmembers to walk up on stage and crack jokes ( within the defined code of conduct ) for the first one hour and the second half slot of 90 minutes is normally given to an outside speaker ( read humorist ).

The first meeting of January 2013 was very interesting  and a great way to begin the year.This month, the agenda had the open session but the second agenda was slotted for a 90 minute drama by Kathadi Ramamoorthy and troupe.
I was stunned!. There are good reasons for me being stunned. Over three months ago, in one of the regular meetings , on stage there was a causal question to this Humorist/ Dramatist as to whether he will do a drama for the Humour Club and he said “yes” provided , you guys can tolerate me on stage ! All of us forget about that discussion, but Kathadi did not. He worked on the new play and he was up on stage for the 90 minute laughter riot. Now , you may ask-“ what is the big deal ? – it was a big deal because Kathadi has nearly retired from stage ( i hope this is not taken as offence ) and the crowds that go in for Dramas are a few tricklers. He is well past the Seventies ( age ) and I thought at this age to get a script done , get his troupe up to stage and to be on stage for 90 minutes and to continue to attract and keep everyone interesting would be a big challenge/task.
 Kathadi and team did all that in style and with great aplomb.

“Pilliayar Piddika “ was a laughter riot. The story and script by Nanu was up to the mark dealing with current reality that youngsters of today in the society struggle -- in terms of understanding , living together , private space , parental support, independence , time for others etc -- was beautifully scripted , there was no dearth of humor in the dialogues . Kathadi dealt so well with the timing and dialogue delivery carrying punch in them - with the entire audience bursting in to laughter ( some with tears in their eyes ). His energy and enthusiasm on stage belied his age. Just showed the passion he has for Stage Plays and Humour and the versatility to be on stage.  Just goes to show what results can come about, if there is  passion and focus in everything you do.

There was never a dull moment through the ninety minute. The hall was packed. People stood in the aisle ways , sideways and where ever they could to watch the play. May be there were close to 600 people( Capacity of Auditorium is 400 ). As the drama closed out , the entire audience gave a standing ovation to this fantastic personality. One more thing was the clean dialogues that one could sit and enjoy with all ages.

Do watch this drama if you get a chance when it is screened elsewhere.

Humour Club :

For information , Humour Club , Triplicane Chapter meets at PS School Mylapore , every second Sunday of each month at 4 PM. One of the many ways to bust your stress is to attend and laugh out. Annual Subscription is just Rs 200 and there are 12 meetings and one annual event . Total Paisa vasool. You can also become a life member ! Life Membership is 2000 and the club has 1450 members.
You can also attend without being a member!


Anonymous said…
Fully vouch Sri's information. Humour club meeting is for 2 kinds of people -- ones who cannot take out stress on their own and others who want to double their happiness.
Srikumar said…
Sri, I completely agree with your views. Comedy Plays are more complex to perform as you need to be spot on on your timing and delivery. It's even more difficult to create comedy plays with message and still hold the audience interested. Cho Ramaswamy is another great legend of the highest order who comes to my mind.
These sure as stress busters!! CAn we get a performance inhouse? (i know i am sounding a little greedy!)

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