Happy Villages -- Rotary's Initiative

I attended a very pleasant inauguration of the” Community Learning Center” at a place called Kattur near Thiruporur on the OMR very close to Mahabalipuram ( on 10th Feb 2013 ) arranged by the Rotary Club of Madras South ( the club that I am very proud to be a member of ). Sunday morning inauguration? That requires lot of energy to make this distance but Rotarians are Rotarians. There was fantastic attendance from the club side ( Close to 30 from the club ) and with the entire village turning up , it was a grand gala affair.

The buiding that houses the  Centre was built in a record time of three months starting with the foundation stone being laid in September and the construction progressing despite natural interferences during the monsoons. While there is nothing new in these sort of things getting built up in rural communities for their benefit, it is the long term sustainability that we are all worried about. In this case , there was a clear plan to sustain in the long term.
Let me back up as to how all it started. Every year, Rotary goes in with a new set of people at the helm and everyone at the helm likes to leave their legacy behind ( Rotary term is for a year ). Mahatma Gandhi said, " India lives in her villages." We always keep talking that India is shining, India is growing but when you take a deeper look into the harsh reality existing in villages, we will realize that there are a world of needs waiting there to be attended to. India's development is reflected only in cities. Villages do not get a fair deal in the growth story. And here is where Rotary stepped in and especially the Current Governor Raja Sreenivasan who drove this project across the clubs. The concept of making rural communities richer in terms of their competency and ability to grow and live in self sustainable manner was at the forefront and out of these thoughts, was the concept of “Happy Villages”. The District 3230 has 117 clubs and so each club has adopted one village and soon we had one project or another at these 117 clubs and the villages they adopted.

My current club president caught on to this project like a fish takes to water. He was on it from day one, laying out a plan that was feasible to execute and key to the plan was the long term sustainability of the project. Tying up sponsors for funding was done upfront to ensure there was no stoppage due to lack of funds. Very focused on the job on hand and getting a team organized that could deliver the plan.

It was not so easy to get to this stage. Hurdles at several stages were overcome. Overwhelming support for the Centre came from the local Panchyat team and villagers and the local temple Committee Trustees. When Rotary first approached to start this , there was objection because people in the village thought Rotary club was a “Cards Club” ( ceetu attam club ) . As they got to know our team and the club better, tensions erased. There were several members of our club who would have made several trips from South Chennai to this place ( around 45 Kms one way ).  It was Rotary Magic that made this center possible.

A brand new structure that can teach children of the village post school hours was the outcome. A computer center to boot. ( thanks to Ford for the PC’s ). Around 250 children will get benefitted from the establishment of the center. Aid India ( NGO ) which is well known for engaging children post school hours has commenced its learning activities already.

The whole villages was charged up and the kids at the village more charged up and excited. The computers added to their delight.

Other things that will be done in this village are :

Training the women of that village in a vocation that will give them a living – maybe even an additional source of income. ( Tailoring is on top of the agenda )
Literacy – basic education, adult education and computer education (renovation of school buildings
Social welfare Activities
Cultural training and more

A Sunday morning well spent at the centre , interacting with the villagers and the kids --- their eyes were full of hope for the future.

You can connect with the District Project on FB : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Happy-Village/239216636184218


Good article which must reach a bigger audience. As a first step it should reach members of not only our Club but also the members in the district. RVR
Prabhu said…
This is a wonderful initiative! I liked the stress on "sustainability" and "India lives in villages".
surimenon said…
Congratulations RCMS!!

Hats off to all those who worked really hard to make this happen.....and off course Ford, for their constant support.


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