Movies - Kollywood Trends

I am not a great movie buff but do keep seeing movies . The last week must have been a little bit of an overdo may be. Two movies over two weekends on the big screen and two more that will released recently on the small screen. That just turned too sour to me. Here is something that is very similar to all the movies.

1. No story line
2. Similar themes – Hero loves the heroine and needs help to get to the wedding –
3. Who can give ideas and make it work in a comical way – Of course the comedian – (same comedian in three of the four movies but gave different ideas !)
4. Comedian is the hero – sometimes, the hero turns in to Comedian.
5. The movie would go nowhere if not for the comedy tracks
6. Branded as Family Romantic movies—explain that one for me ( With N number of sequences involving drinking sessions and at times the heroine sets her father with buying a drink for him – Wow )
7. Music—One or two songs , branded as Super hits but will never last in your memory
8. Small screen will do programs with the Crew of the Movie and it will be a another comedy show with nothing spectacular to talk about the movie. Mostly it will be about the fun the team had , when the movie was being shot
9. Shell life of the movie at the Theater is very limited( Will be a Box office success if it runs for one day and gets releases in over 100 cinemas)
10. No Wow factor..
11. Am I missing something or everyone feels that way ?

Will I continue to go ? Of course , Yes. It is too much of an intoxicant to refuse , to get entertained.


Vidhya said…
Very nice post Sri..Enjoyed reading...We feel exactly the same when we watch tamil movies..I was worried if this feeling is linked to age! :)- Nice to see..others also feel this way!! We recently started to watch a few bollywood movies to counter this feeling with kollywood..Thats even worse!..Chennai express :)-..Haiyoooooo! wonder why we should pay money to watch such movies..!
Naresh said…
Yes same feeling
Prabhu said…
Very much true...

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