The 300th Post -- Do Not Congratulate Me

Well Well...
This post would be my 300th post .. I am sure many bloggers would have  blogged more than what I have done over the last eight years that I have tried to keep this habit of blogging alive.
It all started in the summer of 2006. I had the habit of writing emails to few colleagues and  friends  and sharing thoughts with them.  I realized that it was becoming difficult to maintain track of what I wrote and also keeping and retrieving from the archives of the emails was very challenging. At this point , someone suggested –“ Why don’t you try blogs and Srividhya Venkataraman ( thank you Vidhya ) helped me set this page up. I did little to improve the look and feel of the blog page set up but I have over the years increased the content and so getting to the 300th post was not that difficult . 

In the initial years , I was writing and posting every week . There was no structure , I just put in what I felt I want to in a very random manner . I copied a lot and so there was lack of originality . If someone asked me “What would my blog represent” ? , it would be very  difficult for me to answer. But precisely , it was the reason for me to blog – No real purpose but I was keen on laying down my thoughts on varied things .

 I used the blog for the following :
  • Share my thoughts , views, experiences
  • I did not worry too much about the audience ( first few years , viewership to each of my posts was less than 10 )
  • I wrote on various topics but Sports was a  favorite
  • I knew that what I wrote will never get published in the newspapers but here is my opportunity to Publish !

I rumbled through my posts from 2006 to now and  if I read some of the early posts , I would be ashamed of myself .  I had been too quick to post , never giving the time to proof read , get to the right verbiage , highlighting areas that need attention etc. The intent was to ensure that I published a post every week  . Data tells me that out of the 299 posts so far , 215 posts happened from 2006 to 2010. Slowly , I cut down on my posts . This was done on purpose. It was not drastic but I kept away from doing one every week for the sake of doing it. As the years progressed , my writing and ability to narrate has improved  . I also became more selective . I saw the quality of my writing go up . The last three years there have been average of around 20 posts or so per year . Sports continues to my favorite theme ( the Football world cup helped me to get closer to the 300th post ).There were times when I wanted to stop using the blog post and move to other avenues like Twitter ( Micro blogging ) but I realized that I really enjoyed doing this and so continued with this rather than moving away. So, far there has been 22,265 visitors to the page and my post on a Movie review had the maximum visitors ( 346 ) .. And it was a Tamil movie that I reviewed!

Some people ask me – how long does this take of your time. To me , very little . Once I have decided on what to write ,  the content and the flow is done in the next thirty minutes.. that is all I  spend. But ,most of the pre work in laying down the flow and my thought process happens much earlier –  mostly when I am on my morning walk … So it has been pretty simple and efficient so far.

Plenty of things to do on  site – I want to re work on the  Labels and stack them – this is something I missed or was inconsistent in my work during the past years. This will help to get the topics arranged  and will enable potential future use.
Many thanks to all of you who found time to read what I wrote and have given comments over the period of time in to the Blog or through emails. I value and treasure all the feedback that I have got. Please continue to do so.
Happy reading !

My next post is nearly ready and you may have guessed what it is about !


shobha arvind said…
Hey Srikanth - very proud to be one of the viewers . U hv been doing a very good job and I enjoy it thoroughly and infact I eagerly wait for ur posts . Congratulations
Vidya Nagarajan said…
Indeed creditable. I read your quite blogs regularly.
Partha said…
Sri - The key is the length of the blog and the depth of the subject which can retain readers. Great accomplishment of 300. Keep going for 1000 (it might take less than the first 300)
Unknown said…
wow...that's incredible ! ur narrative style & analysis provides an interesting perspective to readers
Prabhu said…
One of my friends once quipped, "If you enjoy writing, just do it. Don't think or feel nervy, just overcome the interia and do it, the words will flow automatically". Wow!! I read the blog and the same being echoed by a person who has done that 300 times. Thanks for kindling my fascination.
CGB said…
Though not ranked, Apart from sports the best according to me are
1. Nostalgia
2. Local train discussion
3. Demand of Alms
Anoop said…
Congrats Sri, great achievement and looking forward to the next 300!

Congratulatuions Sri! Your writings are interesting and some time thought provoking. Keep writing and sharing. I enjoy reading your posts. It might be a good idea to publish a selection of your essays in the form of a book. I Can help. Please think about it.
Randomramblings said…
Getting to 300 is indeed a creditable milestone! Keep up the blogging and let the thoughts flow........
Anonymous said…

I’ve greatly enjoyed reading your blog ever since you included me in the distribution list. It’s one great way of connecting with people beyond the inner circle that we normally meet and interact with on a daily basis.

One statement that you’ve told me earlier in person and that which I would never agree with has been written in your 300th blog:

‘I knew that what I wrote will never get published in the newspapers but here is my opportunity to Publish !’

The only reason for it not getting published is because you never sent it to any publication. It definitely reads much better than many of the write-ups that we come across in the reputed newspapers.

The content, choice of words, structuring of thoughts and the information shared in your blog is always of the highest quality.

It’s incredible to know that every blog is written in less than 30 minutes. I am fondly reminded of my dad telling me that Cho used to write an entire play overnight.

I look forward to reading your blog and enriching myself for many, many years to come.

I just want to say ‘ Thank You’ and request that you always keep me in the distribution list.
Anonymous said…
Balaji S said:
Awesome going Srikanth - thanks for sharing your experiences continuously!

300 is a Great accomplishment - Congratulations and Keep Going Strong! :)
Anonymous said…
Balaji S said:
Awesome going Srikanth - thanks for sharing your experiences continuously!

300 is a Great accomplishment - Congratulations and Keep Going Strong! :)
Thanuja said…
Congrats Sri!! Though you say "Do Not Congratulate Me"..I couldnt stop congratulating you.. it is a great achievement.. Your blog make me more knowledgeable on the sports front and experience sharing gives a different perspective.My best wishes for your next mile stone..
Unknown said…
Congratulations my dear!! Awesome! Way to go..
Kalyan said…
I always enjoyed reading your blog and nice you see you touching 300....keep rocking
Venkys Blog said…
Great Sri. Wonderful
Anonymous said…
Hearty Congratulations Sri !!
I read your blog to learn about real incidents and the life lessons it teaches. You have a desire to share, courage to express a point of view, tact to retain reader interest, depth to foretell, memory to recall and brilliance to make connections. I enjoyed reading most of the first 300, skipping ones on football.

In my view, your blog started as a newsletter with quotable quotes and has now moved into the genre of life's lessons and indepth sports commentary.

My wish is to see the next 300 reveal the true genre you would like it to be.
Babu PR
Madhu Ramnath said…
Truly a wonderful achievement. It is so easy to start something new, the beginning is always interesteing but very difficult to keep it going and being consistent. I have always read your posts with great interest and hope you keep going and giving us more and more to think about.
Aravind said…
Blogging is like a travel; the more one loves it, the more one enjoys the journey. I am a fairly new entrant to the list of regular followers of your blog, but really love the way you maintain the variety in your posts. I wish to share an excerpt of yours, "Some people ask me – how long does this take of your time. To me , very little . Once I have decided on what to write , the content and the flow is done in the next thirty minutes.. " - this is the key ingredient of any good post and you have been able to maintain it successfully. Best wishes!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Sri
Thank you for remembering and acknowledging the small part i played!..It is amazing how you have kept this blog going..Really enjoy reading your blogs..I think you can think about writing a book and try and publish it..I am sure you can do it

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