Connecting-- The Technology Bait

It has been close to three months since I last blogged . I was trying to think back as to why I did not blog the last three months. I could find no good reason.  Just that time passed and maybe there were good topics to  blog about--( thanks to those who checked out with me or non appearence of my blog )  

The reason for this blog was a  constraint that surfaced in one of the many “WhatsApp” groups that I am added.  The group members had touched 50 and  we were constrained in adding more members as the group size was limited by the software to 50 only. The  discussions  were on how to expand and stay connected. People were talking about "Telegram" as an alternative.  I was surprised by that .Did we not give this service a decent burial  last year ? Intrigued I did the obvious – Googled – and I found that it was an App and here is a description of it

Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. It’s super-fast, simple, secure and free.Telegram seamlessly syncs across all of your devices and can be used on desktops, tablets and phones alike. You can send an unlimited amount of messages, photos, videos and files of any type (.doc, .zip, .pdf, etc.). Telegram groups have up to 200 people and you can send broadcasts to up to 100 contacts at a time. Be sure to check our website for a list of Telegram apps for all platforms.
So i am sure that if 200 becomes a constraint , a new app will emerge. 

And as my innovative , intrigued group members continue to investigate , I was wondering as to whether to get included or just get out of all groups and enjoy the bliss—Did we not hear that
 “ Ignorance is bliss’ ?

Not very long ago, our social NGO  group ( close to 75 members ) used to connect by sending out circulars on paper . Every week , the secretary would stencil the next week program and other information, stencil it to run for at least 75 copies and then put them in to covers and affix postage stamps and then post them. Then it was left to the IPS to ensure that they got delivered. Some would reach ahead of the time , some post the event and some of the covers never reached the intended recipient.Everyone grumbled , cribbed but things went on..
Then came email --- that was a Big Change in the way Communication worked. It solved lot of issues for the Secretary.. He or She could craft it once and send it out to multiple address . All that was needed was a valid email address.  Some would see the email , some would not and some would bounce back due to invalid IP address ( now we could trace the mail and that was a big change to the paper and post )
 And ,Improvements had to keep coming – so we had "Groups" created and the Secretary job became easier.. Draft the email  once  and send it once only. Job done..   It was question of keeping the Group  member list active and current

If you thought this was going to be a steady state—No – Group SMS  ( cost was an issue ) , Apps like  WhatsApp , Viber and so on and so forth emerged as the mobile phones became a great necessity to just about everybody. The change was fast and furious. It was about how quickly you can connect and how quickly you can share ( ahead of others doing it ). Information spreads so quickly and is viral. Everyone in the group has no choice but to get hooked and see it. Some have to invest in new mobiles to get hooked on and stay connected.
Tremendous advantages –
Easy to connect
Can get everyone together
Can send Videos. Pictures and what not ?
Information download at one go
Sharing and spreading info is easy
Breaks down distance and time zone barriers
Taboo- you have to be in this or...

The only disadvantage I see is the time that you need to spend time  additionally which you did not do before ( the download of info is just too large and sometimes so many repeats of the same message ). This can be  can be a big time drainer and could be nonproductive.

However in the end it is up to us to sign up or stay away.. Choice is ours.


Aravind said…
Sri - the trend is changing faster at every step. Compare the time it took for moving from snail mail to email with the time it took from moving to 'sms to contact groups' to whatsapp! I consciously stay away from many whatsapp groups as it becomes too intense at times. The funniest part is say when 5 people start a group to discuss about another group, there is simultaneously another group formed with 3 or 4 of this group to bad mouth the other 1 or 2 :)

Communication is becoming too personal and too close with mobile phones ruling the world. Not sure what would be the next step in this evolution :)
Anonymous said…
Liked the word "bait" in the title. "How much" of Ignorance is bliss and "how much" of Knowledge is power? For the moment, I am enjoying being ignorant of the answer.
shobha arvind said…
Well said about the trap we are stuck into - leading to more gossips and group ism. Ur end is like the parthiban directed movie - kadhai thiraikathai ... Decision in our hands ..

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