Different sides of Happiness to one event

The last day of 2014 , my wife had to undergo a  procedure .. It was kind of a in and out   and the  Doctor who would do the procedure , runs a full-fledged maternity hospital.  There was some amount of prep before the procedure , so we had a room to ourselves in advance of the procedure . Nice little hospital – not swanky but neat and very efficient. The rooms were all close to each other and so  basically one will hear out anything that is discussed in the corridor unless it is done in hushed tone.

  As we were in  the room allotted us , I could hear the voices in the corridor. The man was telling the Doctor that he had seen an auspicious day and the Doctor would need to  do the C Section surgery to get the baby out  only on that day and the date he choose was a week away.  The baby was ahead by  eight weeks. The Doctor explained that she respected his sentiment but firmly said that they were going to take the baby out right away. The man said “ get me a girl “. The Doctor did not reply. Meanwhile  , my wife got in  to the theater (  her procedure was next to the C section that was being done )  and so  I was sitting in the waiting area outside the theater .

The nurse announced it was a “ Boy” to the man.  The man who was next to me  just did not react. Neither did his mother. Both were looking out towards the road. The nurse just went back looking at their non reactions. There was no reaction at all. I offered a slow Congratulations to him. He said “ Third Boy. I asked for a girl and this what they give “.  I was stunned but watched the mother and  son duo for some time .( I had a book to read but I left that in the room ) After ten minutes , they started calling their relatives and said it was a Boy with such a  disappointing tone. The man said “ he will go for it again”.
He asked me – when are they delivering for your wife ? ( funny question it was to me ) I was taken aback and took a while to respond saying , it was not maternity but a procedure. He shrugged  and again talked about the hospital delivering him a third son. I could not help but smile at him in a nice manner. He looked educated , had a fancy  latest mobile but seemed like he was possessed about a girl baby. I did not know how the boy  baby will react to this reaction from his Father and grandmother !

Meanwhile my wife was  back but waiting in recovery.  So , I was still sitting at the waiting area --
The Doctor  then moved to the next Delivery. The gathering this time was different. It had the father , his parents , his sister and her kids , his mother in law and his first child . In the next ten minutes , the  baby was born.. Again a Boy—However this time the reactions were different. The girl’s mother said we wanted a girl ( the first child was a girl as well ) . She was quickly outshouted with chorus of any baby is fine. I said a polite Congrats to the Father of the new born( the new born was shown to all of them ) / They distributed sweets and the calling to all and sundry started with the news of the new born. So much happiness. It was nice moment of joy and happiness that I could see with all members of the family.

The first guy was still in the area .. he was still remorse and his mother was looking skyward. Updates from the theater that the mother was back in to the ward had no impact.   I am not sure what he would have spoken to his wife later . The baby was in to the ICU as was it was a pre mature one.

Although both were joyous  occasions to celebrate , I clearly saw disappointment in the guy who had his third child --   Just the way his expectations was not met ! ( we see this happening all the time  everywhere – is it not ? )
I was wondering whether he will be up there in near term trying his luck for the fourth time !


WOnderful write up Sri.....clear signs of changing times...Bharathi kanda porkalam!
Magdoom said…
It is the X chromosome of the father that is responsible for the boy baby (and the Y-Chromosome of the father for the girl). If at all anything, the man has to blame himself.
Venky said…
Nice thoughtful blog Sri. This clearly illustrates that there is no one single thread or dimension that drives people's happiness. Everyone is motivated and driven by different desires. Interestingly, most people have shown such reactions for a girl baby which usually makes me sad. This one was different.
Srini said…
Which hospital/clinic is this Sri. If somebody comes to me asking for reference and want specifically girl baby, I will not recommend this place.
Thought provoking article. It takes all kinds of people to make this world!
shobha arvind said…
Clearly shows expectations
Lead to disappointment - people though educated behave the same orthodox way - god bless them .
Venkys Blog said…
I was disturbed by the father of three boy's comment that he will go for one more time to get a girl baby.

Not sure of the mother health conditions and desire... Simply a male chauvinism

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