Nostalgia 2

In my last post , I had reminiscent memories about my school days.. This post covers my college days and the enormous bonding and fun that we had at College.

‘WhatsApp” was able to get us all connected --not all but most of us connected in to the group through the past year. The group was very active and it was a strange feeling as none of us saw each other but kept the group active. Finally-- after 29 years since we left college ,  the group picked the date that  all would meet . it was the Aug 22nd and I was very excited to see how each one of us  looked  and how we  each one  made progress in their lives both Professionally and Personally

Credit goes out to few of the guys who took the initiative to form the group and were keenly looking to add and bring back the batch mates  in to the group. Actually the group in the WhatsApp was a year old. I joined six months or so  back , just being added through a friend whose brother actually was my batch mate—before I forget I am talking about  the 1983 -86 Loyola Evening batch of Commerce stream

Most of us ended in to the Evening College by default . Although we all had high marks , getting in to day stream was so difficult . I was so disappointed to get in to Evening College. I  and like most of the batch feared the first day of College. We expected “Elders” to be sitting alongside in the class. But on day one , we all realized that the fear was unfounded. All of us were of the same age group. It was a vibrant  young set that wanted to have fun and do well in life.

Some of us saw the opportunity to use the timing of the classes to our advantage .  Since the college was at 5.30 in the evening , we had the day to ourselves. The timing gave us the opportunity to leap frog and do professional courses during the day.  Some twenty  of us or so , by the end of year 1 , were well on our way to getting qualified as Finance Professionals.

Although the timing of the classes were short , we formed great bonding amongst us. There was some way or the other to connect outside of the college.

During the 3rd year , we had the best cricket team within the college.  Some of the passionate guys bunked office ( during the day ) to play in the inter college tournament ( 3 day back to back 30 over games ) and we ended up winning the Trophy. “Yours Truly” kept wickets and scored runs when it mattered – in the final as we chased at the Loyola A ground. The team of 14 had a great time during those days. Each of one of us had a different excuse for not turning up to work. And the excuse kept changing as from day to day as we won and progressed in the tournament.

We had probably the best of the Professors. There are perceptions that Evening College gets secondary treatment and you did not get good teachers. That was not true for us.  It was also a big  surprise  and shock to me that when I was on stage inaugurating one of the LIBA batches for the Ford teams , the person who sat next to me was my Accounting Professor. He still teaches and you will not believe that his name is Carton Young ! I was so honoured by his presence and he was delighted to see his student next to him . One of the best moments in my life !

For the event , one of the guys volunteered to do T Shirts with the Loyola Logo and he did by connecting  with every one and taking their sizes. He had only one condition and that was too get to his office and collect it ahead of the event and T Shirt was compulsory for the event. Further he and couple of others took the effort to get the venue arranged and answered 101 questions asked again and again on the venue and time and menu etc.

It was a surprise as we started gathering, Only as each one announced their name , could we recognize them. Had we met outside of this event , I do not think , we would have even recognized each other.

Each of one us spoke quickly about our life – personal / professional and it was pleasant to notice that each of us had done well -- Some in private/ corporate areas, others in Government service and others in business of media , Chemicals , Jeweler and politics as well.

The Admn of the group gave a great story on how the group was formed. He had gone for his tax assessment and lo behold, the guy on the opposite side was our batch mate !  He said – I struggled at first to address him – Not sure whether to call by name or by Sir or Dai  and in the end he settled by calling him “ Boss “. The agreement between the two was not to create the WhatsApp group as it may turn out to connection between the officer and the assesse and may not be viewed correctly. Only when the Income tax guy got transferred to a different role , the group was formed.  That was an outstanding way to start the group. Slowly , the group grew.

Some of the guys were just as they were in  college on the approach and attitude to life. I was totally awestruck by the energy  that one of the guys brought to the group He was one of those who qualified as a Professional as he did his college curriculum  and during the college days he  had great energy , Zeal and positivizes in his thoughts and work.  Any event , any help , he was there and  he was would be self-less. He is still the same today. He looked all of just thirty years even today. Just his approach to life , has made him so young although years have gone past.

There was this  other guy—always wanting to be outstanding in Academics.. He would go for the Gold medal --  We were  not all surprised when he showed up  with the Gold Medal that he got for his Company secretary ship course and that was some years past the college time.  But he brought the medal around and was proud and gave the medal to everyone to see and touch !

All of us  connected and talked about classes , staying at the car park when we had a lecture that we know for sure will not go in our head , the Kutties Tea shop ( this is still at the same place ) that was a favorite huddle place, the library and the Mess and the every Friday movie at the LIba ( same movie was shown but we will all turn up there ! and of course the college cultural “Down Sterling “

I had actually , post college days , just kept in touch on a regular basis with two or three of my batch mates. But here, I got to connect with most of them. The evening session took long but no one minded their time. Some of them flew down from other cities and some from overseas to be at the event . Just showed their commitment .It was so good to just go back in time and enjoy the journey that we had

Successive weeks of nostalgic memories to share


Venky Dravid said…
Nice one again Sri. I became nostalgic reading about Kutties tea shop as that was my tea joint as well while studying for CAT prep classes in Loyola in the early 90s. Technology is bridging geographies/age and many other barriers. Kudos to whatsapp and other technologies...
Laxmi Bitra said…
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Laxmi Bitra said…
Down the Memory Lane...... :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Sri
Nice post..Coincidental both Raj and I have become members of a various whatsapp groups from school days college days etc..It is indeed amazing to connect with people whom we would have not connected..But the challenge then becomes to keep up with posts!..we receive 100s!

Anonymous said…
Balaji(Ford) said...

Good one Sri - Nostalgia continues :)
shobha arvind said…
Very good and interesting narration - nostalgic feel and it was a great initiative to meet after si many years

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