The Smart Flower Vendor
Last week , the Friday was one of those days – I had an external meeting that
ended slightly early and I reached home much ahead of my regular irregular
time— The timing was like the Madura Coats advertisements of the late 80’s for
their Business Clothing – the 9 to 5 Man Advertisement ( how many of you remember this advertisement ? )
Having reached early , we decided to go for a stroll on the
beach – just a stroll , walk on the sand and get back – As we entered the beach
, the flower vendor ( lady ) was instantly selling Jasmine flowers to my wife.
My wife ignored the call and walked past the vendor. After the stroll , as we
made our way back to the parking lot , we had to pass the Flower vendor again.
She was at it again.
Calling out my wife..” It would look great on you “( flowers )—that was
the sales pitch. Again , my wife hesitated – the flower vendor then made the
offer – I will give the Hair Pin for you to lock the flowers on your hair—that
clinched it . My wife got her flowers and the sale was made – I thought
it was very enterprising of this vendor to keep “ hair pins’ handy and use it
at the right time to clinch the deal.
Simple incident but lot to ponder and learn –
Understanding the customer – this is so important-
Having right accessories
Knowing what is missing with the customer
Approach and engagement – so keen to make that sale
In the end , as I paid the money , there was smiles on all
three of us ( we acknowledge the lady for her selling skills , she was happy as
well )—A nice interaction that left happiness . ( Chinna Chinna Aaasai )
Is this not what we all yearn for ?
I got input from one of the readers , these vendors in addition to Hair Pins, have Small Mirrors as well- you could check out , how well you look.
That is customer Delight !!!