The Smart Flower Vendor

 Last week , the Friday  was one of those days – I had an external meeting that ended slightly early and I reached home much ahead of my regular irregular time— The timing was like the Madura Coats advertisements of the late 80’s for their Business Clothing – the  9 to 5 Man  Advertisement ( how many of you remember this advertisement ? )

Having reached early , we decided to go for a stroll on the beach – just a stroll , walk on the sand and get back – As we entered the beach , the flower vendor ( lady ) was instantly selling Jasmine flowers to my wife. My wife ignored the call and walked past the vendor. After the stroll , as we made our way back to the parking lot , we had to pass the Flower vendor again. She was at it again. 
Calling out my wife..” It would look great on you “( flowers )—that was the sales pitch. Again , my wife hesitated – the flower vendor then made the offer – I will give the Hair Pin for you to lock the flowers on your hair—that  clinched it . My wife got her flowers and the sale was made – I thought it was very enterprising of this vendor to keep “ hair pins’ handy and use it at the right time to clinch the deal.
Simple incident but lot to ponder and learn –
Understanding the customer – this is so important-
Having right accessories
Knowing what is missing with the customer
Approach and engagement – so keen to make that sale

In the end , as I paid the money , there was smiles on all three of us ( we acknowledge the lady for her selling skills , she was happy as well )—A nice interaction that left happiness . ( Chinna Chinna Aaasai )

Is this not what we all yearn for ?


Venky said…
Great blog Sri. A simple story on consumer experience that is so is also a story on how to innovate around consumer experience.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Venky--
I got input from one of the readers , these vendors in addition to Hair Pins, have Small Mirrors as well- you could check out , how well you look.
That is customer Delight !!!
Good one Sri. I liked the phrase `regular irregular timings` Keep writing and sharing. god Bless!
Anoop said…
So nice to read your blogs Sri, great post, and happiness all around!
shobha arvind said…
Short and sweet story but lots to learn from it. Smart marketing technique can be even seen in Mumbai local trains but the small boys who sell clips bands and variety of products. Their smartness pushes us to buy at least one thing from them .. keep going srikanth...
Anonymous said…
We need such innovative sales pitch to push our vehicles. Thx (Radha)

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