What do you call this ?

I am sure the heading did make you open the link in to the blog.
 A simple discussion and flow of events made me pen this down.

The Security in my flat is taken care by people from a neighboring nation – do not let your imagination Go Green on where they come from  .   in fact , most of the security jobs in and around flats in my  locality are taken care by these people. Some are with their families here  ,  for most , the families are back home and they visit their families at least once a year. The two guys plan in tandem on their vacation planning ,arranging  substitutes  , transition when on guy goes off on vacation  is done so smoothly and we only see a new face for a two or three month period. No issue with payments . allowances , car washing allocation ( additional money they get when they clean cars of flat residents  and that is allocated to each Security guard) , shift planning ( they rotate from day shift to night shift  every two weeks )  etc. Everything is managed by them. No delinquency of service !

So , last week one of the guys who was on vacation called me early in the morning  when I was on my morning walk , to announce that he was arriving two weeks ahead of his schedule , I was slightly worried. When I got back to my apartment , I told our regular guy that the guy on vacation was coming back two weeks early. I also asked,  how will you  manage the replacement guy who was on board ? He said “ No problem “. By the time I was ready to go to work ( which was thirty minutes later ) , the regular guy told me the replacement guy was placed already. He would leave the morning , of the day my regular guy came back from vacation. It was so simple .. As I thought through this , some basic things emerged :
1.       Jobs are available – they just have to agree to step in
2.       Simple jobs – Security , taking care of elders who need help, household help are available all the time
3.       These guys are not finicky – they manage change of place , environment very easily—Being adaptive was natural to them
4.       They are well knit as a group
5.       They Communicate amongst themselves as a group all the time – So they know , where and what opening is available
6.       They have no concept of being on the “bench “
7.       Support themselves as a group
How simple was this ? At many a time , we complicate things ,  put too much thought in to things that  can be done in a simple manner , stress ourselves , stress others out and make it difficult for everyone !

Life can be simple – Enjoy the most and think in a simple manner and execute things in a simple fashion ! !


DEV said…
Agree Sri.
In life, lot of things can be accomplished if we 'KEEP IT SIMPLE"
shiv said…
Great Note but in a simple way...Nice Sri
shiv said…
It is Me Bharathi - logged in through Huby's ID as I don have a gmail ID
Prasanna said…
True, There are always simple solution to any complex problem if seen it that way instead of complicating . Good related example Sri
shobha arvind said…
Very well written .. security example can be very well correlated with so called complex life problems. On a lighter note.. as thala says LET'S MAKE IT SIMPLE
CGB said…
Excellent observation Sri. Great Management principles are often around us we need that extra vision to catch and appreciate.
Would like to share similar incident in our Chennai Flat, where we too employed a guy from the same nation.Our sweeper lady got betrothed and was serving the notice period as she will be moving out of Chennai. This guy went that extra mile and learned the Art of Rangoli during this period and offered himself for that position. Win-Win for both of the parties. This reminds me of “If you fail to learn then you fail to move up”
Anonymous said…
Balaji said..

Good one Sri; We seem to be overly complicating our lives; Many times the solutions are right in front of us..

Reminds me of the KISS principle -- Keep It Simple!

Kamesh said…
Good one Sri!
Laxmi Bitra said…
Simply Super......:)
Senthil said…
Good one Sri. We can always learn a lot on simple things happening around..
Venky said…
The human mind is quite flexible when constraints are high and it seeks to exploit every opportunity. Your blog perfectly illustrates that. It acts exactly in the opposite way when the constraints are not very high.

The only exception to this rule is our Chennai auto drivers who will decline to carry you and stay idle but will never come below their standard rates.
Anonymous said…
Hi Sri
Very nice post..Indeed there is a lot to learn.
Unknown said…
Yes. Very true.... many principles / practice is based on this fact. with an effort, simple things are complicated making it difficult to understand and practice. We have a long way....

Interesting post, Sri. I had read this post earlier butforgot to respond.

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