Consumer Experience

Over the last week end , I was flying back from Cochin and I had checked in and was waiting for the boarding call to Chennai .
 I use this airline all the time ever since I flew with them for the first  in early 2007. They are normally “  ON  Or Well ahead of time” and   I also like them for the way they manage the process, everyone looks busy and are always “ raring to go’ kind of people  and there is no slackness in their routines. Neat and Efficient would sum their style of operations. Launched in 2007, this is one of the most successful private airlines from India .Most times , they would have either taxied on the runway or be airborne before the scheduled departure time.

So, this Sunday , there was no call in to board – and it was past the time that the flight was to leave . I was surprised that they did not even announce a delay . However , in the next few  minutes which was past their flying time  , anxious  people started  queuing up at their boarding gate  and ten minutes later , the boarding was done and we took off twenty minutes late . It was a short flight. When we landed we were close to 25 minutes late . Also, during the flight, although I did not pre order, we could not get anything that we asked for that was on the menu list. They had run out of supplies

As , we taxied out , I got a regular SMS that requested , we send feedback , post the travel on how the experience was. I do not respond to these messages.  Most of these are bulk SMS and for a large Janta and even if one responds , not sure of any outcome.   .

The delay , the lack of a bite – all these bothered me and as soon as we landed , I looked up at the SMS requesting for feedback and I sent the feedback SMS with “ Average “ as my rating.  To be honest I did not expect any response

But to my pleasant surprise on a Sunday afternoon , twenty minutes later , I got a call.  They had seen my SMS and the conversation started with an apology for being “ Average “ They wanted to know the reason. I told them about the lack of info , non-availability of eatables on in inflight . The person again apologized and said that action will be taken based on my input .
It was great experience for the following reasons :
1.       First thing , the SMS response  was being read and feedback was being looked in to . This was a shocker to me .. Normally , there are so many SMS that we get and mostly they are sent because they have to be sent and normally , the communication stops with your response
2.       It was the speed of the response that was amazing. Sunday afternoon , my response was picked and immediately  the call was placed to me
3.       The conversation started with an apology – because my feedback said that the experience was average
4.       The whole conversation was pleasant and the person at the other end speaking to me , did not defend  or give any excuses. He was polite and indicated that they will improve
5.       Left me with feeling very  good . Things can go wrong but the way you respond to it makes a big difference

Some Companies move from being Good to Great and I thought this airline would go that path if they continue to do what they are doing   and they do give you a Great  Experience. These guys are Serious  about putting Customers first and listening to them! Impressive


Anonymous said…
I agree, Sri. Most of the cases, Maruti Suzuki follows the similar approach and that's why they are ruling the Indian market for so long.

S. Ramesh
shobha arvind said…
Good experience . Infact I was also surprised when I got a call ( probably samen airline you are mentioning ) about my feed back and they were very apologetic and valued our suggestion. Every walk our life we can follow similar approach rather than justifying our actions or being aggressive .
Anonymous said…
The airline has further strengthened its relationship with an existing customer. Pleasantly surprised to see that you kept the name of the airline a suspense to the readers -- in your private blog. Goes to show that customer service is not only about resolving problems but listening to them even if we do not know how to. It is better to treat 1 customer well that to spend millions on a 90 second ad. Great post Sri.
Naresh said…
So you will fly with them again and again inspite of delay.

Is your expectation played a key role!

Though you have not mentioned the name of the airlines, I know you are referring to Indigo. Undoubtedly, they are the best airlines to travel, as of now. Good story!


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