Short Break -- But what a whale of a time !

Planning for this trip began probably several months ago . No, we were not going overseas but to  Mysuru, the lovely Palace town in the neighboring state of Karnataka. Total of eight families signed up and the travel party was around 29 including  13 children. The eldest of the travel team was my mother @ 77 and the youngest at 5. Each one took on assignments to make the three day time off , the most pleasant as it could be . One of the things that was of paramount importance was that we all wanted to be together and this was possible if we could find a “ Home stay” accommodation that could house all of us . We did find one,   thanks to one of the members , being a pioneer in discovering and enjoying home stays where ever  he goes. The next was to book train tickets, which again was driven by the Lead  Organizer of this entire trip . Meticulous planning of every detail  was his forte . The children all got excited much ahead of the travel days which was May 5-8. They connected over groups and knew exactly what to do over the three days.

The trip started off very badly. A derailment en route meant our train started around 2.5 hours behind schedule . But the children did not care . They got in to huddles and spent time easily. The train left around 2 AM against the 11:30 PM schedule time . Worst was to follow . We thought , the delay would be made up by at least 30 minutes . Further delays enroute and finally we reached at around 2 Pm as against the 8:3- Am schedule . Getting breakfast seemed to be a tough task and with help from my BIL , who from Chennai secured us food in Bangalore  at 10:30 Am! The delay did not push down the spirit at all.
Evening , we tried to go out at least five times . Every time it would drizzle and we would all get back . But finally at around 7PM , we ventured out and did the visit to Nandi hills . Dinner was excellent at the Homestay with us ordering what we wanted . The next day , having secured a Bus we ventured out quite early post breakfast to Srirangapatna , the Ranganthittu bird sanctuary , the Silk Board factory and that  outlet that sold silk sarees. Tried to get to the Palace but was threatened by unending crowds , so did little of walk around and then decided to go to the Brindavan gardens. The key highlight through the day was trying to watch one movie that had everyone enjoying it . At Brindavan Gardens , after a tiring drive , we found more crowds that just did not give us the energy to get in to the Garden. Getting down was outvoted and we returned back to have dinner which again was excellent.
Sunday , was visit to the ZOO , followed by some to the Palace and then by others to shopping . There was never a dull moment . Some unique things that we did

1.       Home Stay – This was the reason for the success of the trip. We could have never found a hotel that gave us so much space and yet privacy and then got us together – just like home – family time
2.       Eating Masala Dosa at Vinayaka Mylari – Very unique and fluffy Dosa with Masala –  Small joint but what tasty stuff they produce
3.       Mysore Pak at Guru Sweet Mart
4.       Using all modes of transport – We went by rail , used the local buses ( KSRTC ) , Autos ( including sitting in the Driver seat ) ,  call taxi , Private bus  and walking – Missed the Tonga
5.       Using the homestay kitchen staff effectively – We got what we wanted , homely , cooked right in front of our eyes and we also packed Dinner for the train on the return
6.       None of us worried or fussed about any change of plan – Also of us were so flexible
7.       The spouses had their own time and space minus the kids
8.       Kids enjoyed the most – their camaraderie was something unparalleled and they all got along so well.
9.       We celebrated Mother’s day with a surprise cake and a Wedding Anniversary of one of the Couples – all this was surprise , thanks to our Lead Organizer
10.   Memento for each one – again this was surprise by the Lead Organizer
11.   We changed the punctured  Wheel of a SUV – heavy effort indeed and needed some Engineering and herculean effort ! ( one member drove down as well due to last minute changes )
12.   The group was very easy to get along . everyone accepted each other 200 %
13.   It was probably the most cost effective trip in terms of money spent to the value we got
14.   None of us complained off discomfort – Each one had one or the other but that was never publicized
15.   Each one of us took assignments willingly and with lot of love and affection and care for each other
16.   And all of us had been to these places earlier !
Although it was short , it was one of the best breaks that I ever had. Kids wanted more time together but as they all good things come to an end –
Hats off to the Lead organizer -

 But we can plan more trips


Aravind said…
Could easily guess who the lead organizer is, given the success rate and enjoyment guarantee factors!

I guess your gang did the best thing - enjoy the city 'as it is' instead of spending time in popular attractions. The city of Mysuru is one of the cleanest cities and is very inviting for a random walk just to roam around and sink in its charm.

You forgot to mention the damage that was done to your planning by a non-functional platform at Bangalore and how your gang did not let it affect your enjoyment factor! I was a live (remote!) witness for that :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks Aravind -- you were remarkable in tracking our train.. We had no news on the issue of the platform availability at Bangalore if not for you. Our breakfast was arranged from Chennai through IRCTC by my brother in law and the guy at IRCTC Bangalore said the train was in at 8:50 am -- that was the display at Bangalore while the train was cooling at KRS station till around 10-- Thank you for your help
Unknown said…
Balaji said...
Super trip, everyone enjoyed, especially the kids!
Kids were so Flexible and enjoyed every moment, despite the changing plans!

Wonderful company,Great home-stay, Nice weather, Super times with family and friends.
Thanks everyone who made this wonderful trip possible

Recharged and Refreshed!
Prabhu said…
Well said Sri!!! Each time I glance at the memento in my living room, I re-live those moments... Food plan was taken a case-study for the mentoring session I had to face at home. The bonhomie and also the learning(s) make this a memorable trip.
Yeah, we need more of these :)
Anonymous said…
Very well written summary Sri. True to the phrase that the fun is in the journey... not in the destination. With 12, 14 and 15, one can even go to heaven and be back.
shobha arvind said…
Excellent write up and lots of things to learn .. applies to all in every walk of life adjustment , no complains and flexibility all for fun and memorable enjoyment .
Though a bit long, intersting piece. It is always to go in a family group.
Sorry it should read `It is always fun to go in a family group.
edupessina1 said…
Thanks for sharing this ! It looks like lots of fun. And I can reconfirm that good times always depend on the company we choose to have. Not the place, not the weather, not the money spent... Everywhere and in every culture. For my family the best vacation ever was out camping in the Andean mountains. 3 families: 3 couples with 10 children ages 5 to 15, it was just awesome. So you can start planning for next year another destination... :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Sri
Sounds really good. Photos please.

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