Fund Raising for Little Hearts Surgeries
The July month fund raising Program done by the Rotary Club that I am part of, was a roller coaster event . We went through several swings in plan , execution ,support , guidance etc., . Planning for this event began some five months back . The reason to do the fund raising event was compulsive. Rtn Saravanan ( Sara ) was a man possessed with this purpose ,to help out children suffering from Congenial Heart Disease (CHD ) He took it upon himself to establish a fund that will help these young kids get their lives back. Once he explained us the purpose , we all signed up to do the event that will raise funds , that at a minimum will help perform 200 surgeries a year. The fund raising committee met several times ( I was part of this ). The key decision was to decide on the nature of the fund raiser. Normally fund raisers are done through musical concerts or dramas etc. But Sara had different ideas . He did not want the regular musical show. H...