Fund Raising for Little Hearts Surgeries

The July month fund raising Program done by the Rotary Club that I am part of,  was  a roller coaster event . We went through several swings in  plan , execution ,support , guidance etc., . Planning for this event began some five months back .  The reason to do the fund raising event was compulsive. Rtn Saravanan ( Sara ) was a man possessed with this purpose ,to help out children suffering from Congenial Heart Disease  (CHD )  He took it upon himself to establish a fund that will help these young kids get their lives back. Once he explained us the purpose , we all signed up to do the event that will raise funds , that at a minimum will help perform 200 surgeries a year.

The fund raising committee met several times ( I was part of this  ). The key decision was to decide on the nature of the fund raiser. Normally fund raisers are done through musical concerts or dramas etc. But Sara had different ideas . He did not want the regular musical show. He wanted a talk that will address issues/ concerns faced by the youngsters of today. We looked around for good speakers and those who could bring in the mass to the auditorium . We narrowed down on  Shri Gaur Gopal Das ( GGD ).  The topic was “Success Mantra “ – Path to success .

The next stage was the date of the program . We looked around and then choose July 29th – We checked most of the venues and found no other program was in the offing that will take the crowd away. This also matched with GGD’s availability.

Sara started the discussions with GGD’s team on the date , terms and the purpose and tied that bit down

The next was the venue – Lot of discussions – Key items that figured prominently was the Revenue and Pricing ( seating ) , car parks , venue’s ability to attract crowds – Music Academy came up as the venue that was optima.

Then the teams started planning for campaigns – Face book , Print media , Rotary Circles , friends etc etc – Design of the posters , backstage drop  and so on.
We thought we had started very early but time flew and the event was barely five weeks away. Sponsors were difficult to source , there were also  views that this kind of an event may not attract sponsors nor crowds .

Sara and the team did not give up . Sara called up all our Club members and confirmed their attendance and ticket sales—all by himself .
Two  Companies launched the sale of the ticket  Online for the show. Sales were sluggish . Pattern from the vendors showed that normally the ticket sales picked up closer to three days ahead of the event .  We  all continued our look out for sponsors and Sara came with the idea of our Club Souvenir that can again generate revenue with advertisements . This was a big relief to getting sponsors for the main event . With the help of our prolific journalist Senior Rotarian  Rtn S R Madhu,  work began on it.

We monitored the sales of tickets on a daily basis . The report gave no joy to us .  We at one stage ,thought we will have GGD speaking to an empty auditorium !
However,  true to pattern , the ticket sales picked up towards the days closer to the event . Sara managed all these on his own. He is a busy Chartered Accountant in Practice and July was a peak month but Sara managed the show excellently. The Committee members chipped in with their contributions,  be it getting advertisements for the Souvenir or tickets design or delivering tickets etc etc … We also had a Skype call with GGD to lay down expectations at both ends .

The Ford team sprang a surprise – Their internal  music band played one day ahead of the event and collected Rs 125,000 – this will help five children surgeries . I realized that if the cause was powerful , people will support – The Ford band is also a band that is liked by all in the company and they rock with their talented stars. The Rotary team was grateful to the Ford Teams for this great gesture

The event by itself was a great success – GGD delivered a stunning lecture laced with his usual wit , great zeal and energy and getting the crowd with him all the time .  His messaging was wonderful . Everyone who came to the event enjoyed the evening The hall was packed and that was big relief for us as organizers . 

As we do the number crunching on the event in terms of the  revenues and costs—GGD talking about the cause during his lecture , made its  big impact . We had monies collected to do 50 surgeries and as I write this down , eight kids have had corrective surgeries and are looking to get back to school and lead a normal life ( just seven days post the event )
Some reflections on the whole process and the Event :

1>    If the cause is compulsive , then everyone comes together .  Sara took up a great cause and this rubbed off on all of us. So , anything that you want to do , must have a compulsive reason that everyone will sign up to .
2>    Dr Prashant Shah , the surgeon who is going to do the surgeries was key man that helped us to stay on the mission. We visited a hospital where he performs surgeries and were taken aback at the kids in the ward – We could see the before and after – We saw the kids waiting for surgery and those that had the corrective surgery – It was clear that kids that had this CHD needed help and with the surgery can lead a normal life. Dr Prashant has this mission to correct CHD in children. Dr Prashant says he can do 500 surgeries a year
3>    As we walked our journey of the Fund raiser  , we realized that we need to not have just Plan B but Plan C , Plan D and so on. Things change all the time  and they are dynamic.
4>    Shri GGD was a big crowd puller . It was his first lecture in Chennai but the man has his own crowd that revers him. I had chance to spend some time with him and was impressed with his thoughts . He was impressed with the cause that we had .
5>    Rotarians from my club were a great support – everyone did their bit – Everyone in the club wanted the fund raiser to be a success. Spouses of Rotarians chipped in as well.
6>    One may think that there are not many children with CHD – Not true – It is estimated that there are close to 12,000 children that suffer from this in Tamilnadu alone . Many of them are not even aware of this . The chance for us to give lives to these children is big.
7>    Overwhelming support continues and is needed for this Project to be big success – 200 surgeries is just a beginning .With corporate and Global funding , we can do more.
8>    The team has set a good Governance process to ensure that only needed children get funding support.
9>    The success of the Fund raiser and this program going forward , will certainly go to Sara . If not for him picking this up , we would not have had the opportunity to work on such a impactful project.
10> We enjoyed the stress of this project –  We kept our humour in good stead – if not for that , some of us may have crashed in the run up to the event

11> If you want more details , write to


Gazal said…
It's amazing how so many people from diverse backgrounds have come together, for the cause. As you said, its the cause that unites, them all.
shobha arvind said…
Good plan well executed for a Noble cause. Keep it up
Unknown said…
All the best sri

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