Mettuplayam Village in Kumily Panchyat of Kanchipuram District is Declared ODF ( Open Defecation ) Free

March 23 rd 2018 was a red letter for this village that houses 25 families of the Irula Community . We had a very nice function to declare this village as free from ODF. A total of 25 individual toilets were built in a very quick time and made available for use for the families . If good things have to happen, they will happen – No one can stop it – The background to this construction of the first phase of a total of 300 toilets is an interesting one . Bill Ford Better World Challenge awards grants for projects that will significantly improve health and sanitary conditions for people. As part of that US $ 140,000 was awarded to work on improving sanitation and hygiene conditions in India. The Project managed by two lovely ladies based out of Ford US Jennifer Leonard and Nihala choose the Kanchipuram district of India, ( being close to the communities that Ford is in and also to facilitate volunteering ) and 3...