Mettuplayam Village in Kumily Panchyat of Kanchipuram District is Declared ODF ( Open Defecation ) Free

March 23rd  2018 was a red letter for  this village that houses 25 families of the Irula Community . We had a very nice function to declare this village as free from ODF. A total of 25 individual toilets were built in a very quick time and made available for use for the families .

  • If good things have to happen, they will happen – No one can stop  it – The background to this construction of the first phase of a total of 300 toilets is an interesting one . Bill Ford Better World Challenge awards grants for projects that will significantly improve health and sanitary conditions for people. As part of that US $ 140,000 was awarded to work on improving sanitation and hygiene conditions in India. The Project managed by two lovely ladies based out of Ford US Jennifer Leonard and Nihala choose  the Kanchipuram  district of India, ( being close to the communities that Ford is in and also to facilitate volunteering  ) and 300 SMART toilets were to be installed at residential homes to mitigate poor sanitation. The program includes education on good hygiene practices. The SMART toilet facility is equipped with lighting, allows for hand washing, and provides twin pits for sustainable use and maintenance.
  • The team from the U.S. also identified the NGO that will help roll out this project. The NGO Gramalaya based out of Trichy and is  known for its pioneering work in the area  of Smart Toilets with the help of the local team narrowed down three Panchayats of Kumily , Kalavai and Kannivakkam all close to the Manufacturing facility but all having no access to sanitation facilities
  • We had in February of this year a small function to dedicate two of the 25 toilets ( Pilot ones ) and that function was a big eye opener to me . The first of the toilets was constructed at the house of a person who could not walk .He spoke about how he was now a freed man . Prior to the Toilet at his home , he had to rely on others who had to carry him or bike him across the road in to the forests where he could then relieve himself. If no one was available , he just had to hold. He said “ I do visit temples and the only prayer that I had to God was , Have someone build a toilet for me . This toilet is a dream come true “ . All of us make various prayers and requests to God but this one was so different . The toilet that is built at his home supports differently challenged people with a ramp and so now  he can now manage himself without troubling others.
  • Within six weeks the balance of the 23 were done . When we entered the village , it was like a festival. We were received by bursting of crackers. The streets were decorated and wore a festive look. There were more Women than men in the crowd. We along with Gramalaya Founder Mr. Damodaran and his team visited each  home and the toilets that were built. For the first time I saw Toilets being decorated with balloons and the entrance of the toilets had Rangolis laid out. Each of the them posed in front of the toilet, very proud of the fact that they can use them when they wanted. The entire family with the children posing in front of the toilets  was a great sight. Everyone smiling , happy.
  • Then after the inspection , we had the official function and one  of the women from the village spoke . It was a stunning speech. She started slowly , set up Ford and Gramalaya for a special thanks and used verbiage that was unexpected of a village lady ( Kodi Million thanks ). The courage and the conviction with which she spoke amazed everyone . So much of talent . Just need a way to harness the entire village.
The success factors :
The Bill Ford Challenge fund being available and then the choice of Jennifer and Nihala to do work in India and in Chennai and find villages close to Ford Communities.
Gramalya is an outstanding NGO with great resourcing to execute projects – They did the surveys , identified the right villages to work in and had the operating model to succeed .Their model of creating the village committee to take ownership of the project along with them was a significant factor for success They trained the villagers in various hygiene practices before the toilets were in place. They had very good coordinators on board with them , who worked with the villagers and got their trust and confidence.
Finally , it was the villagers of this Irula community  themselves.They had a portion of the cost to contribute and along with that they were fully engaged to make this project a success. It is fact that the Toilets are the first cement construction in the village . They all live in thatched houses !
It is not the end of this journey . Work has commenced on the other villages –and when those smart toilets are completed , it will be a big step in making hygiene and sanitation a habit for these villagers. Still there is plenty to do 


Very inspiring Sri. Simple actions are good enough to bring joy to our communities and this is a great example of that. You are a great role model Sri in sparing your time and energy for such causes. Thanks for sharing the story.
gazeblane said…
Congrats Srikanth
Anoop said…
What we take for granted many don't have...great achievement by the entire team, thanks for your commitment to this important work Sri...
Laxmi Bitra said…
Very Inspiring.....This gave us motivation to do some similar kind of work around Tribal Villages in Coimbatore.....Just Initiated....
Gazal said…
In my first visit, I was stuck with the realisation that, having a toliet all to myself such a luxury. Feel proud to be part of this and so happy to see the empowerment of people and especially women. Thanks Sri, for penning it down so well.
Prasanna said…
Great Community Work Sri & Team
Dinesh said…
Thanks for always being an eye-opener. Its been a pride to have BFBWC in India and the work of Gramalaya is the bench-marking for other such works. Will try to replicate in Coimbatore.
Narayanan CA said…
Very inspiring, there is so much of help and support needed in this space.. Thanks Sri for leading by example.
Anonymous said…
I remember when I was small and I visited a small village near Kokata to see my grandparents, I would refrain from using their bathroom as I was not comfortable to go to the Indian style small bathroom they had with an attached open roof bathing space where a hand pump was installed for water. So I waited until I came back home or until we visited someone else's home that had better bathroom facilities. I now realize how hard life can be where there is no bathroom at all. The story you shared about the man who had to depend on someone to releive himself was an eye opener.Thank you for doing all the hard work and for helping so many people through initiatives like this.
Sri said…
One thing that i forgot to mention was about the lady in the picture who is helping me inaugurate the toilet. She has lost her vision but wanted to be there for this wonderful occasion. she said " she felt the toilets and was feeling so happy " -- I was stunned just by her attitude to be there and she kept thanking Ford for this wonderful work. It was my privilege to open the toilets with her -- --- Sri
Anonymous said…
Great contribution to society by Ford. Your efforts, interest and involvement is amazing Sri.

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