Then and Now- Train Journeys
I have been looking at social media and people have been posting pictures of ten years and then now – Very interesting outcomes indeed as we look back in to the past and then as of now. No—I am not posting any pictures of then and now but what I what I wanted to pen down was the train journeys of the past and now and how technology ( read mobile phones ) have come to play a big part in the journey that we have in the trains. Back then , before the mobiles came in , it was all about making friendship and chatting and hearing and listening and learning and we understood people more and more and also learnt to be inclusive . Sharing was a must including the food that we carried .. We made lot of “Rail Friends “ and I still have contact with a person from Wadi in Maharashtra – We travelled in the Mumbai Chennai express and both had no confirmed seats and became very good friends and connected at Mumbai where we both worked ( this was in 1990 ) Now , the journey of today is total...