Then and Now- Train Journeys

I have been looking at social media and people have been posting pictures of ten years and then now – Very interesting outcomes indeed as we look back in to the past and then as of now.
No—I am not posting any pictures of then and now but what I what I wanted to pen down was the train journeys of the past and now and how technology ( read mobile phones ) have come to play a big part in the journey that we have in the trains.
Back then , before the mobiles came in , it was all about making friendship and chatting and hearing and listening and learning and we understood people more and more and also learnt to be inclusive . Sharing was a must including the food that we carried .. We made lot of “Rail Friends “ and I still have contact with a person from Wadi in Maharashtra – We travelled in the Mumbai Chennai express and both had no confirmed seats and became very good friends and connected at Mumbai where we both worked ( this was in 1990 )

Now , the journey of today is totally different and if you have to do a night journey , then you had it –
Everyone is busy with their mobiles – Now one says even a “hello” – forget getting  Rail friends
People chat through the night and you can hear the messages being received as well as delivered
Some watch movies through the night and the screen light will attract you
Some even talk loudly at night forgetting other passengers that exist in the coach
Some of them have wonderful ring tones
Some forget to switch off their early daily alarms on their mobile and as the noise reaches its crescendo , they search for the mobile to try to snooze !
Some give update commentary on where the train is , in the early hours – this is to help them come to their destination on time  to pick them up– although the train may reach their destination well past sunrise
I travelled last week – a 11 hour journey – night journey and had to put up with all of the above – Sleeping through is very tough – In the "then" days , we could sleep through comfortably except probably if had a toddler on board who may wail now and then but sleep was assured.
But not in today’s journey – technology is  a great tool but needs careful and understanding usage in public !


Anonymous said…
Good write-up, Srikanth. Technology is both a boon and a bane. Nowadays, it's the same story not only in train journeys but also in every walk of life. People rarely meet each other and are always glued to their mobiles.
So True. A good article.
Change is the only constant!
Suresh Sahoo said…
Very well written Sri.. exactly my thoughts..I also do quite a bit of Train Travel from Chennai to Bhubaneswar (Odisha) which is around a 18 hours journey.

The train journey scenario has changed a lot in last 10 years due to better mobiles / better (and free) Internet-connectivity and better Apps.
Apart from the challenges you mentioned above, there are some good benefits of the connected technology as well - like with the Mobile APPS of IRCTC / NTES (national Train enquiry system), we can track the train timings, book food online, book & cancel tickets in mobile etc

But agreed, mobiles / technology should be an enabler for our better lives.. it should not replace the emotions / human connections from our lives. It is upto us if we use technology or technology uses us. Thank you.
Madhumita said…
I would also rather spend time in chatting with a friend (similar minded person) 1000 miles away or listening to music or watching a movie than talking to a stranger in the same compartment...I mean what's wrong in that? It must be boring if we have nothing common to talk about...and who knows who is my co-passenger and the risk associated with talking to them, sharing food with them or getting to know them.
Gazal said…
Very thought provoking post!! The way we relate to people has changed drastically over the last 10 years. Almost noone speaks to each other on journeys(flights are worse), except sectors like Gujarat and Kolkata. These are two cultures which still value people interactions and enjoy conversations. Its a dangerous spiral of addictive mobile phone connectedness we have thrown ourselves in. Sooner we realise, better it is!!
Prabhu said…
Good article Sri.
People who don't connect perhaps don't feel the "need" to connect. Back in those days, we connected not because there was a need but because we just enjoyed it !! It starts with finding out each other's destination, where are you from etc.. 3 times out of 4, we manage to find something or someone or some event as a common denominator, and there the conversation really takes off (and enjoyment)!!
Unknown said…
Yes Sri, this is the scenario that we experience today. Back then, there was trust (no fear) with co-passengers. While today everything around should be dealt with a caution. So we withdraw. We are experiencing a paradigm shift.
Prasanna said…
Agreed Sri, No Scope for Rail Sneham (friendship) these days !!.
I believe these days the charts are also not stuck outside the compartment, even if you have a confirmed seat/berth it used to be a fun starring at the chart :) :)
Gayathri said…
Great Article and Lot of good comments - We are withdrawing into our individual cocoons a lot - wonder what the future definition of interpersonal skills will be ???
Venkys Blog said…
You need to be extremely lucky to have Rail-friendship continuing for years. In current scenario, being lonely helps that individual to reflect himself / herself for any life opportunity for course correction.

It boils down to the addiction levels on electronic gadgets, whether it is train or home or anywhere.

Thanks for your reflection Sri.

Venkat Subramanian
Anonymous said…
Well narrated Sri.. Reminds of many train journeys and the conversations I have had with different people from different walks of life! if there is no one interesting or volunteering to converse, I would settle down with a book. Change should start from us, maybe next time I travel, I will try to get back to old ways.. lets see :)

Lavanya S

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