Thaneer Thanner 2.0
The notification from the
Chennai Metro Water Board that they will deliver water needs within 2 days made
my heart glad. Whether they deliver or not in 2 days is a big question but even
if they do in seven days and on a scheduled
time basis will give Big Big relief to people like me and others in my society and throughout the city who have gone bonkers
trying to manage the water ordering , storage and supply and maintaining water availability
schedules. This issue built up stress to many in the city.
Ours is a very small flat –
just five and with two out of the five flats
being let out , the onus is on the balance three to manage the booking and the
affairs. One may say it is an easy task compared to other big assn where number
of flats are more – I am not disputing that .. But everyone is going through massive amount of time being spent
– on discussions , arguments etc etc.
just to manage the water.
Early in January of this year
, we threesome ( who incidentally are the President , Secretary and Treasurer
of the Assn out of the five flats ) realized that we will be in big trouble on
the water front . With one bore drying out and the other bore giving saline
with rich Iron content , we had no choice but to get water from the Chennai
Metro water or through Private tankers ( most expensive ) . Our storage was
limited and can last three days .. the first thing that we did was to augment
the storage. We set up additional storage that gave us additional three days of storage.
With piped water supply
trickling in ( on alternate days ) , we said we will book for metro water tanker every 5th day by each of us
. This would ensure a tanker supply every week and if supplies was received
every week , then we are good . This was the plan !!
What happened in reality –
1. For the month of March , the tankers came on
time – it was working . Then everything went haywire. Everyone in our locality was booking . Flats
with more number of flats booked and they outnumbered the small guys. Delivery days
went from three days to Seven to fifteen to twenty five and then everyone lost
count. The piped water supply stopped as well.
2. Metro water took action – they could not report
out that they were unable to deliver to the bookings…. The outstanding bookings
create a bad metric. They solved it instantly . They just cancelled all the
bookings on one fine day and reset to base .. OMG – Some booking that were more
than 30 days old and very close to getting supplied went out of the Q !! This
action they took at times when the bookings went very high,
3. The choice for us now was to balance with Metro water tankers and Private
suppliers. Everyone used contacts – The private guys were in demand .They
started taking up the prices . Water was not of great quality either. But one
had no choice. You could buy the most expensive soap or shampoo but you needed
water to use it !!! Such was the state.
4. We re worked our plan . We had to be optimal . Based
on metro water tanker supply, we had to manage the private supply. Since no one
knew when the metro water tanker would turn up , it was very difficult to
predict and order the private tanker. People were on tenterhooks to pick up any
unknown call as it could be that call
from the Metro water tanker lorry driver. If you did not pick up , the booking
would be cancelled . And at times when you picked up a call from an unknown
number , it used it be someone selling Insurance or banking service J Patience was a virtue that all of us learnt .
5. At times , it was very tough . Our storage
would be very low and we would place the order with the Private tanker and
before the Private tanker showed up , metro water tanker would arrive . And the
private guy would follow . We had to hurriedly manage the storage and there
would be flurry of instructions to our Security—Pump the water up fast ( he
cannot do that as the pumping depends on the motor HP ) – close the valve that is the inlet for piped
water – Store in sump first and then the additional storage and so on-
Instructions would be in multi languages ( Hindi, English and Tamil) – the Security guy
normally would do what he had decided already !!
6. At times , someone would leave a tap open his flat
and what “Gyan” would be given in the
Association WhatsApp to this person is
something that you can imagine . Everyone ( other than the guy whose flat the tap was
open ) will be a water saving expert and will cry as to how we abuse nature and
how water is precious as well as expensive and so on and so forth. This will
happen in turns and the same message and
links will fly through the group whenever a tap is left open !
7. The first spell of rains brought so much joy to
the Chennaites – It was so little but it broke the long dry spell and did no good
to the storage or supply of water . But everyone rejoiced as if the water
problem was solved .. that was the state of mind !
8. The private tankers also had their share of
issues. As they wrenched the water from nearby village bore wells , the
villagers protested and on few occasions , hijacked the tankers , had the
drivers arrested etc. and did stop
supplies but the tankers find a way and continue
9. Plans changed every day and by the hour based
on supply – Some of the week ends were spent discussing various plans – they could
never be implemented as things kept changing
10. This issue is not going to get sorted out so
easily and the future is still very bleak as the ground water levels have depleted.
Some call outs :
In spite of all the
difficulty and the demand situation and
with all the lakes/ reservoirs that supply water to the city having gone dry , Metro
water has done a decent job to handle the situation.
Our Local MLA was of
outstanding support – he was very helpful to us to understand the situation
,most times chipping in to help with the supply . He was not only helpful on
the water front but was very active in our colony association helping us to
address civic issues and other issues in the colony. He was very responsive ,
available at all times ( esp on WhatsApp ) – Please re read “ available at all
times ‘’ For me it was pleasant surprise to see the kind of support and
communication that the MLA was doing .. May be he was a bureaucrat turned politician
and so knew how to network and had a service mind set…
I am one of the ever optimistic
Chennaite ready to handle this ongoing issue J--
Waiting for the Tamilnadu weatherman to shower his FB page with rain
predictions for Chennai. And can someone write a Predictive Algorithm to
help ?
It is unbelievable but very true --