The Joy of Surgeries --The Continuing Work to help Children with CHD - Pause and Restart


The  Little Heart Surgeries was going on well – Over 300 surgeries done since July 2017 and funding had been secured to do another 225 surgeries  when the Covid struck this project as well – Medical camps that identified children with the defect could not happen , more so surgeries could not performed due to the risk. It was very painful as there were children that needed the treatment to be normal post the surgery . Discussions continued with the medical team and the Rotary and slowly things started opening up , a solution was found . However the solution needed additional funding and this requirement was to adhere  to Covid norms in terms of testing the patient  and other requirements for the medical team for them to be safe – But the approval from Rotary International for the additional fund need came overnight . And so , the surgeries have commenced .. We have had eight surgeries post August  so far and they have been successful. 

This is really good news  and progress can be made . However some changes that we had to and some experiences that I had when interacting are worth sharing. Normally in pre Covid times  , post the  surgery to children , Rotarians from Madras South club will visit the kids at the hospital and spend time with the kids and their parents , give away goodies . This was a great touch point and really would make one closer to the project as they would see the little ones that went through the surgery and then making good recovery and behaving like very normal kids .. It was a visit that one would look forward to over a week end , every month at least.


But with Covid preventing visitors , visits could not be planned .  We started calling the Kids parents two days post the surgery . And how glad they were to get a call that was checking on the well being of the child.? ! During these tough times , everyone is going through so much stress and also with no one to talk to ( Number of attendants at hospital curtailed  )  The calling from our side will happen on day 3 which is when the kids moves to the normal ward from the ICU—

On one instance , the parent called back on Day 7 ( day of discharge ) and told me that they were going back with a healthy kid – I did not expect the call back ,   I had earlier called on day 3 and checked on the well being of the kid . It was so nice of the parent to call  back – He was ever thankful to Rotary and Dr Prashanth , the surgeon, The kid is five years and the family is from Ramanathapuram and the father a fisherman.


In the second case , my call on day 3, put me through some moments of anxiety .. The parent said the kid developed fever and other complications and was still in the ICU... I told the parent that the kid is in the best care and not to worry. I called daily.. The kid recovered slowly ( he was just one year old boy ) On day 7, the parent called and said the kid was ready to be discharged . His voice was full of energy and he said  “ Sir , I thought I lost him when he developed complications.. Neenga positive iruthinga ---   He was joyous.. it was probably the first time , the kid was active since his birth.  I could visualize a beaming father who through the last year must have gone through several anxious moments due to the heart defect with which the kid was born .


I still wish we could visit and spend time with the kids and their parents .. Hopefully things do change soon – But the good thing is that after a six month hiatus ,the surgeries are back – And  interacting through phone with the kids parents is brining different moments to relish !


Partha said…
Fantastic Sri - this is outstanding effort to help people in need and provide financial as well as emotional support
Anonymous said…
Glad to learn that life giving surgeries are back. Medicine is the only noble profession that can garner this level of gratitude in the world. Doctors will very soon realize the purpose of their lives while fellow humans may not figure out even during their lifetime. Great work by you Sri and all your fellow Rotarians.
Prasanna said…
Great services Sri , Good to hear that slowly things are coming back to normalcy
Unknown said…
Sri, Congratulations for re-starting the "Little Hearts" program. Appreciating the commitment of the doctor, hospital and RC Madras South. You have very well conveyed the happiness of the parents and the fulfillment of the volunteering Rotarians, particularly yourself. All the best to continue the good work which enable the kids to lead a normal living all through their long life. Great service.
Sam Manipadam said…
Sri, Congratulations for re-starting the "Little Hearts" program. Appreciating the commitment of the doctor, hospital and RC Madras South. You have very well conveyed the happiness of the parents and the fulfillment of the volunteering Rotarians, particularly yourself. All the best to continue the good work which enable the kids to lead a normal living all through their long life. Great service.
Unknown said…
Great Srikanth. Good to hear that you were able to start this. Best wishes.
Indian preacher said…
Great effort Srikant to bring the surgeries back on line. GOD BLESS You and your team for the yeoman service along with Dr. Prashant and his team. Service to these little children giving them an opportunity to lead a normal life leaves a huge satisfaction in ones efforts. Wishing you all further success in this effort. ����
Ramesh said…
Very heart warming Sri, reading this post. Can understand what it would mean to the parents of the kids ; the kids themselves could lead more normal life. I am sure you would have a fulfilling feeling on every occasion like this. Hats off to you and Rotary
S.K.Vadivelan said…
Thanks for sharing your experience Sri. Impressive
Thanks Sri for this inspiring write up. The power of giving is felt through the eyes and feelings of the receiver.
Ganesh said…
Inspiring and impressive Sri!!. Thanks for sharing your experience

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