Vysai Thozargal -- Changing Lives in Vysarpadi -- The Ford Rotary Digital Lab Set up


This group of young volunteers based out of North Chennai – to be precise Vysarpadi were an unknown till the Covid Wave 2 showed its fury.


This  team of young graduates have been running a Night school for  around 160 children in Vysarpadi for close to ten years or so . They have a piece of land nestled amongst the densely populated houses and huts and Housing Board Flats --on which a shed type arrangement ( Look like a Container  ) has been made (neat and clean and well maintained ) and children of various ages come in during the evening hours and are taught various subjects. The Night school is run by these fiercely determines group of graduates who want to change the perception/ the tag that North Chennai is known for and believe that this change can happen only through Education and Education.


Well what made them well known during the second wave ? 

Noticing that there was shortage of beds and more in particular Oxygen availability, this bunch opened up some of the autorickshaws that they ply in their spare time, fitted them with O2 cylinders  and saved lives of close to 200 people who were administered O2 in these autos and later shifted to hospitals when beds became available. This was largely unnoticed with several other good deeds done during the terrible second wave -- until a Reality show brought them all together. Sharath one of the volunteers and a pracitising advocate spoke in the show and he spoke with great  conviction and what the group wanted to do for their area and enhance the lives of people. 

I too watched the show and was really impressed … I got in touch with them through FB . They invited me over to see what they are doing .   I was convinced post my visit that the Night school was something that can get lot of help in terms of infrastructure ,  furniture computers and so on … We got to work and then after some collaborative efforts , we were able to draw out a plan to set up 15 workstation  ( Desks ) and chairs . We also needed computers.  The Board of Rotary Madras South – the club of which I am member quickly approved the project indicating that this was something that would go a long way to support the Vysai Thozargal dream .  Ford Motor CSR program of Digital Literacy ensure availability of Computers – the very best of them.

The Furniture supplier also come forward and agreed to contribute to the project and came down heavily on his prices and installation— Wiring was done as well --everything was falling in place a for a  good cause. 

The entire computer lab was set up in two weeks’ time with great support by the volunteers.  And our Rotary President said come what may we have to Inaugurate on August 15th

And so we did – With a small number of people attending ,  Rotary District Governor J Sridhar inaugurated the facility and hosted the national flag – The Vysai Thozargal team was so thankful  to all of us .

District Governor shared several tips to keep the Computer lad in shape and in operating mode . 

Some more work needs to be done :

UPS support for the Desktops,Internet Support,Tiling of the floors

I am sure all this happen during the coming weeks – We just have the momentum to do the best for this deserving school. 

This group of volunteers are fear less , so dedicated to giving the best for this suburb of North Chennai and with all able help and with them now in the right support groups of getting help , I see them doing well and making a BIG Change

To me so far , it was a super opportunity to collaborate with these youngsters—They provided me plenty of energy ,provoking  thought process on getting things done . do not give up  and a fearless attitude and time was no barrier in going after your goals … Truly blessed to get this opportunity to serve.

Way to   Go Vysai Thozargalay  😊



Sahana said…
Very nice!
N Srini said…
Great Work done by our thozhargal of north Chennai. You are humble Sri to underplay your role to get the night school into this shape. Without your support this could not have happened so effectively in such a short span of time.

Kudos to all of you.....
Unknown said…
Fabulous service Sri. Wish you all the very best for your goal to support more.
Mukund said…
Excellent project
Sarath Kumar G said…
Excellent article srikanth sir.
All credits goes to you only.
thanks to Rotary.

we need your support for entire journey.

- Vyasai Thozhargal.
Anonymous said…
What an amazing transformation of the place and a crisis into opportunity. Big thanks to Rotary as well, for giving this wings.

Rakshita Rai said…
This is amazing Sri :) Wish you all the best for your future projects :)
Awesome effort!! Kudos to the entire team..
Prasanna said…
Great services from Vyasai Thozhargal . Lab is set-up neat and clean. great effort !!
Partha said…
Well done Sri - Instead of just watching a program in TV and maybe mentioning some good words about the volunteers in private - taking efforts to connect with them, went into the field and understand the authenticity of the work done by the group, taking inventory of the needs and making it to happen with a quick TAT. This will mean a lot both to the volunteers as well as the beneficiaries.

Once again Hats Off for the great work
Viswanathan said…
Many greats believe that Education (in it's right context) is the key for growth and enlightenment. This group's efforts, in this direction is commendable. Srikanth Sir's instrumental role in this endeavor is laudable and goes a long way in building a better future for the youths in this vicinity. Best wishes for the grand success of this humble start. ..... N.Viswanathan
Amrita said…
Great Effort Sri and team! Thank you for sharing this and it is motivating to see how we could touch so many lives and bring things to action soon as required! This is really amazing!

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