Facts/Quotes and Funnies June 12th

Facts :
1 Cm is the size of the mini football on a pencil created by Indian miniature artist jaspal Singh Kalsi
135 high schools in Orissa hae shown " Nil " results in the annula High School certificate examination.
100 Seconds of fight sequence from the tamil film Nuthu starrring Rajnikant are part of the French Film Prete Moi to main ( Lend me your hand )
25 years have passed since the first case of AIDS was reported
You look tired when you are not winning.. We need to start winning and then we will not look so tired-- Greg Chappel Indian Coach after the one day loss to West Indies
A little bit og ragging is like a Ice breaker, otherwise how will we know our Seniirs ? -- Satya Kumar Student who is to join IIT
They are all on Con games -- Naseerdun Shah Actor on acting schools
The Indian army could sure use the help of the Pied Piper. Attracted by the flowering camboo, rats are swarming fields and destroying crops in certain areas of the state. The problem has become so acute that sodiers posted to fight insurgency have to battle the rats well. Now that's a pesty battle.
Talk about frustrated passions. Javed Ali 22 has been consulting Dr. Rajesg Abbot for more than a year for his sexual problem. But, when Ali's condition deterioated the doctor began avoiding him, The agitated patient then prescribed strong medicines for the doctor-- a fatal bullet.
A creepy crawly love affiar or mere infanguation ? Bimbala Das of bhubaneswar, in love with a cobra she has been feeding near an anthill, has no doubts. The 30 year old woman married the snake at a cermony attended by 2,000 people, followed by a feast. As the groom remained holed up, the bride garlanded a brass image of the snake ( A real creepy wedding )
Hope you guys had a sporting weekend -
Venkat & Srini-- Exam fever over
Vidhya -- Good luck on to your exams
Karthik-- safe travel


Anonymous said…
Looks cool, helps trackback articles...Needs a little bit of formatting..

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