Augu 28

From Radhakr
here were interesting statistics on India Today two weeks ago.

136 - is the no of MPs with criminal records in the current Lok Sabha. It was none in the first Lok Sabha

334 - the no of airports in India compared to 14,883 in US

40 - is the % age of doctors who are absent from their Govt health centres at any given time

43 - is the % age of child-births in India attended by skilled doctors compared to 98 % in Canada

52 % of Indian Americans have high skill jobs, compared to just 21 % of white Americans

This is a ripper -- Believe it or not : 86 % of Indians have access to clean water. I thought the converse is true. Comparatively it is only 77 % in China.

Some more

72.583 Kg is the weight of the world's longest sari, measuring 1,585 feet.

270 Kg is what an elephant can hold in it trunk


It is ball tampering all the way

I am not here to answer that question-- Darrel Hair Australian umpire to Inzamam 's query regarding the ball change

The ICC must be stuoid or blind not to have realised that there is history between Pakistan and Hair-- Geoff Boycott

Darrel Hair is one of those characters. WHen he wears the umpire's white coat, he metamorphoses in ot a mini- Hitler-- Imran Khan former Pakistani Captain

It is not the question of myself and my team. It is a question of my country. the pride of the nation has been hurt-- Inzy



What does a poacher do when he hung up his boots and surrendred his guns ? At the Periyar Tiger Reserve located on the Tamilnadu- kerla border, he dons a govt. uniform and leads tourists and adventure - seekers in to the very forests where he once hunted animals. If you think he is an imposter, no. Recently, the govt. roped in a group of 40 reformed poachers as tourist guides. Trust them to retain their instincts


Say Viagra and it may make no sense to Cirmaram Jat, 88 of Narmer. But he has just become the oldest in the country to father a child. he says" Camel milk is the secret of my libido ". His third wife Gammo Devi 45 years younger than him recently gave birth to a boy. Father of a 16 year old daughter from Devi, Virmaram is happy to get a male heir. He is ready to expand his family " God so wills ".

Hope you guys had a good week end and celebrated Vinayaka Chathurthi with Vada and Kozakattai !!


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