August 14th


638 is the number of attempts on Fidel Castro's life

0 is the number of jails in Arunachal Pradesh

14 Billion bullets are made globally every year

12 Billion USD is the annual sale of Lipitor, the largest selling drug in the US


Bring on the money. There is no limit to how much money i can make. I always look for more
-- Maria Sharapova Russian Tennis Player

Our little neighbours to the north should not fear. I am not planning to be in office at that age- Fidel Castro on a survey showing that more Cubans are living beyond 1oo years

What crime has poor Natwar Singh committed ? has he drunk all the oil ? Amar Singh SJP leader.

Three things stike straightaway. First, he has that bit of spunk about him. Second, he loves bowling and third, he is astute at reading situations-- Shane Warne on Monty Panesar


Snuffed Friendship

Sacrificing a minor pleasure to gain a major goal is a habit with politicians, snooty or snotty. Former civil aviation minister C.M.Ibrahim who is known for his one liners and ablity to quote from the holy books , was a confirmed snuff addict. He claimed that it sharpened his cerebral cells ! Ibrahim has now given up the habit. He has voweed to not to use the snuff until he brings down friend- turned foe H.D.Deve Gowda. When Gowda was the PM, Ibrahim was the second most powerful man in the government. How long will Ibrahim have to go snuff- less is anybody's guess

Commodes in arms !

After all the ballyhoo about skeletons in the dawai, it looks like the Left parties have made up with Baba Ramdas ( Yoga expert ). the recent centre for Sceince and Enviroment report on pesticides in aerated drinks sparked off a heated debate in Parliament with members castigating the colas. A prominent left MP revealed that when he emptied a bottle of a popular soft drink in to his lavatory, the loo gleamed and sparkled as never before ! Curiously, Bab Ramdev has been narrating the same anexdote as he pontificates on the ill effects of the colas

Hope you guys had a good weekend


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