Dec 11th


Estimated number of monkeys in Delhi- 5000

Number out of these that the Delhi govt would like to translocated to Madhya Pradesh, a request turned out by the MP Govt.--300

Number of monkeys MP govt had received from Delhi in 2004 after charging INR 1.04 CR to create Infrastructure --250
This is real monkey business !!

14.8 billion pounds is the estimated wealth of steel t ycoon lakshmi Mittal

4,000 metres of clothes has been used by Mohammed Sultan Sheikh to make 28 dresses for
Aiswarya Rai in the last four years

147 deals have been announced by Indian Corporate houses since Jan 2006 ( not sure how much this number is for 2005 but guess is less than 25 )

Quotable Quotes

The division which exist among Christians are a scandal to the world-- Pope Benedict XVI
What the US Forces are doing in Iraq is not working well enough or fast enough- Donald Rumsfield Former US Defence Secretary

If they really want to save the horse or the vwolves or the grizzly bear, why don't they chain themselves to them - Conrad Burns US senator on animal activities

Martin Crowe used to say that three things in life are certain-- Death, taxes and a hundred at the Adelaide Oval--Mark Nicholas Cricket Commentator

We provide them with water and we clean up all the mess they create. They will have to pay for it.-Bikash Ranjan Bhttacharaya Kolkota Mayor on his bid to legalise Hawkers



A bunch of 15 law makers from the state wnet to Thailand to learn how to prevent AIDS. After their 10 day sojourn in the Asian sex capital, they came home fully satisfied. One of them however alleged that some of them spent all the time in Thai massage parlours and for sight seeing

Couch potatoes are out. " Jain potatoes " are in. Girish Akbari of Patarpur village cultivates potatoes on vines. Yes hanging vines. Akbari's hybrids were created by graftin potato plants on the grape vines. As potatoes have gone aerial, jains can snack on batata vads and ignore the ban on tubers


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