feb 26th

1 Million US $ is the starting bid at E Bay auctions for pop singer Britney Spears's tresses

75 is the number of years that 86 year old Parallax Lain from Paramour in Ahmadabad claims he has survived without food or water.

4 is India's rank in mobile subscribers list behind China , USA and Russia

41 % of the revenue of Hutchinson Telecommunication International came from its Indian operations , Hutchinson Essar

Quotable Quotes
My morale is good. All I want is to bowl and win the world cup - Irfan Pathan Cricketeer --

To head butt a cop is the dream of every Frenchman -- Omar Sharif Actor on receiving a $ 1000 fine and a suspended sentence for head butting a cop in 2003

When the Tatas selected Singur , if I had said NO to them , then no corporate house would have come to our state -- Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee West Bengal CM on the land allotment controversy

The internet is like a mirror-- if you do not like what you see, fix the person, don't fix the mirror-- Vinton Cerf Chief Internet evangelist at Google, on inappropriate content on the web.

You need a sledgehammer and a nuclear bomb to knock the Australian's confidence -- John Bracewell Kiwi Cricket Coach-- ( Newzeland did manage to do that )


All those who have the habit of sprinting across busy roads, relax: a study by IIT Delhi shows that jaywalkers are not the ones ultimately responsible for the rising accident rates. Blame it on the badly timed traffic lights and high narrow dividers ( which people would rather step off than wait on ). And it 's not lack of discipline intrinsic to Indians that forces people to cut across traffic: It is just that humans are not cut out to wait more than a minute at a red light.

Some may call them childless, but Sushit Chaudry 53, and wife Kalpana have a happy family-- them and their Dalmatians-- Lobo was their first pup, then came Libi and they were a couple. They had litters and the family grew. One of the pups was given to Cricketer Saurav Ganguly. Lobo and Libi are no more ( Libi died a month ago for which the couple held ceremonies and feast ).. The Chaudries are looking for a companion for Livesy ( one of the puppies ) they are also planning a Drive India Project-- a 90 day drive across India with the Dalmatians

Sangamam-- Ethu nama thiruvizha - Theru Vizha

The week long cultural festival at the parks in the city was a great initiative by the Tourism board to promote Chennai-- it gave a great chance to showcase our folk arts--and other classical art-- the parks in Chennai had a gala look-- Cloth banners, lights , stages, advts by sponsors etc.,-- It was a pleasure to walk in the park and hear music etc., -- the range was from Kargattam , Boomallatam, Kathai Sollarathu ( How to tell stories ) , Other Dances , Carnatic Music-- On Friday it was Aruna Sairam at the Nageswaa park and it was choked -- it was a good boost

Politician at the Matric exams
I watched this on one of the news channels-- A 39 year old MLA From Jharkhand is writing his matric exams with his son-- When questioned why he was ding this, it was a responsible one-- " 2lakh people have elected me and I need to be educated well enough to serve them "-- The son was happy to teach his father and do group studies-- Seems serious stuff


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