feb 11th

Quotable Quotes
I would attribute it to the great friendship that we share and the respect that we have for each other -- hrthik Roshan about his onscreen chemistry with Aiswaraya Bacchan

It is nice to have double standards-- R.K.Laxman Cartoonist

Change is coming! Our times has come ! Yes we can ! Votes aren't counted ! House divided cannot stand !-- Barack Obama -- US presidential Hopeful after Super Tuesday results

She knew she was marked and her time has come to make the ultimate sacrifice-- Najam Sethi- Pakistan Editor on Benazir flirtation with death



Imagine going to school every morning finding your class strewed with cow dung and cleaning it up to make space for the day's class. In school in Nanmangalam near Chennai, students have to do exactly that. The school has a strength of around 1,000 but in the evenings people living nearby use it as a makeshift cattle shed-- What a shame


Children, for heaven's sake , forget not to flush the toilet after using it. A recent government decision is to constitute bal adlats - courts for the tots where judges and prosecutors would themselves be kids- twice a month in schools to inculcate cleanliness in children. In case a child is accused of not flushing the toilet after use, he would be tried at the bal adalat . And , if found guilty , the punishment would be to flush all the toilets for three consecutive days

Humour Club

This month's meeting , we had Babu PR and his family including his little daughter attending it -- I enjoyed the session as did Babu and his family

Here is the write up in his own words-

Triplicane Chapter held Humour Club’s monthly meeting last Sunday. A one-line summary – "2-hour entertainment filled with laughter, spirituality and absolute relaxation for the mind refilled enough to keeping working trouble free for a month".
The event started off with jokes cracked by kids Shanti, Iswarya, Chandrashekar and Abhinandhan. The elders tried to match up with the wits of these children. The age ranged from 7 to 71. Doctors, lawyers, actors, policemen, teachers, politicians – no profession was spared. All were unadulterated clean comedy. Some samples for you –
1. If a lecturer is "prasanki" in Tamil then how is a professor called—"adhiga prasanki".
2. Man to his friend – "I want to somehow go to office at 9am but am not able to".
Friend – "Why"
Man – "Because I don’t have a job yet".
3. King to courtyard poet – "This song about me resembles the one you sang last month".
Poet – "Yes sir, but this time it is a re-mix."
The chief guest was Father Jagath Gasper Raj, founder and chairperson of Tamil Maiyam and one of the organizers of "Chennai Sangamam" (a cultural extravaganza) in the city. The audience was bowled over by his profound knowledge in Tamil literature and was treated with a rich concoction of humour, philosophy and spiritual thinking. At a young age as a spiritual preacher, perhaps early forties, his insights into Tirukkural and Thiruvasakam were astounding. He shared some lighter moments in his early days as a brother and his experiences in Philippines. Anyone who hears him once is sure to ask for more. We were spell bound and gave him a non-stop standing ovation in the end.
I can’t wait for the next homour club meeting on 16 March. Take advantage folks.


Naresh said…
Sri, After reading 3 - 4 issues about humor club I am more inclined to attend one.

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