April 14th Updates

Happy New year

Quotable Quotes
I have no intention of stopping until we finish what we started and until we see what happens in the remaining contests - Hillary Clinton rejecting a call to drop out of the presidential candidate race
Marriage is a folly that is slowly becoming a redundant. I am hopeful that one day like the vaccinations, the institute of marriage too will go away- Kamal Hasan Actor

I will apply Lalu Prasad style to change the face of my ministry-- raghunath Jha Minister for industries and public enterprise hoping for a turnaround a la Indian Railways
I have always admired his honesty and openness, his willingness to listen to his partner and this is precious- Vladmir Putin on US President George Bush

I am super enthused about what it will do on lot of ways- Bill gates on the new version of Windows operating software Windows 7 to be released next year

If you thought that Cows eat only grass and fodder , you are wrong. A cow owned by C.P. Husain of Kannur district prefers fish over grass. According to Husain the cow developed a liking for non vegetarian food after he fed it with a grass fish combo. This cow 's taste has become the talk of the town; people from all over the district are thronging Husain's house with packets of fish for the bovine, not knowing that the mad cow disease started with meat eating cows.
West Bengal
Call it craziness or obsession , Vernaier Tass a 21 year old French student of Music at Banaras Hindu University climbed a tree in Kolkata to proclaim his live for Bollywood actress Karishma Kapoor. From his arboreal abode, he made it clear that he would not come down till Karishma intervened. The panicked residents called the police who along with the Fire brigade tried to reach him through a ladder- this forced the French man to go to a higher perch and he was in no mood to oblige. The drama went on for two hours before Tass was brought down to earth by the Police.
Awesome inspiration
I read the story of Vijaya - a 50 year old lady who has won only 24 medals in her career in athletics and wants to participate in the National veterans meet and also by winning there go to the veteran Olympics- Now you may wonder what is the big deal in this -- vijaya works as a house maid in around eight houses and in between runs a road side snack shop and takes care of her two children as well- She was lured in to the sport when she was asked to accompany her employer's daughter to the race track and she started running with her - She was uncomfortable in her sari to do the jogs and was given track suits by one of the coaches who watched her. Things have changed since then. She practises two hours amidst of tight schedule of domestic help duties and the roadside shop that she rums. Overtime as she started winning medals , her employers support her with leave and travel expense support. But still funding is a issue. Vijaya is determined to make it to the Veteran Olympics--
Amazing stuff from a person who started so late and inspirational is her desire to win.
The weekly blog for the week of April 7th was missed out due my travel
Hope to share more news on sporting action and other tit bits in the following week


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