Aug 11th updates

Quotable quotes of the week
It is chaos but we are managing it and having a wonderful time - Angelina Jolie Actor on life with her six children including her new born twins
Breaking our oil addiction is one of the greatest challenges our generation will ever face-- Barack Obama - Is presidential hopeful
I love the idea of scaring people- Ram Gopal varma Film Director
Humour club meeting
This month's meeting , one thought would be a mild one taking in to consideration the fact the last one was the silver jubilee one and so there would be a reduction in the level of enthusiasm among the organisers as well as the attendees-- I was proved wrong as the regular crowd turned up for the event- The chief guest was a doctor and so most of the jokes were aimed at the doctor fraternity -- Some good ones to recollect
The Creams road in Chennai is where the Apollo hospital is and the road can have traffic in one direction -- the sign board at the entrance of the road leading to the hospital is great-
Way to Apollo Hospital -- one way !!
Winston Churchill when hospitalised and the nurse removed his bed pan-- " this is the only time when a motion moved by me was passed through without debate " !!
The chief guest for his part took all the jokes on his fraternity and came back with great humorous incidents in his hospital and various occasions
The Triplicane chapter which I attend and of which I am a member , took a another step -- they invited presidents of Humour clubs of Annanagar and Beasant nagar and felicitated them during this meeting--
Also organising committee of our club ( three musketeers ) got felicitated for their arranging the silver jubilee occasion so well with great detail-- they declined to be felicitated but were not listened to.
Overall a good Sunday evening time well spent again.
BSNL Sports Quiz
Now having got sucked in , there was so much enthusiasm to try the line and get a answer through-- try as we did , we got through the line twice -- once me and the next time my wife -- both times ended up giving wrong answers-- it was disappointing. The topic is Olympics and that is a grey area for me !!Any of you guys tried ?
EPL Kick off
Formerly known as the Charity Shield, The FA Community Shield is the traditional curtain-raiser to the domestic season between the League and FA Cup Champions. So Manu met Portsmouth at the Wembley stadium-- After a goalless draw , the match was decided on penalties and ManU won easily 3-1. The league for previous year started in the same manner with ManU winning this curtain raiser for the EPL- So expectations are high but this time other teams have done their bit of hiring the right type of players and it will be a interesting season for the followers of the EPL
The Olympic Gold -- what a achievement !!! and thoughts...
Abhinav Bindra surprised many with his Gold medal-- I saw the breaking news announcement in the rediff as it came and was pleasantly surprised and had no reaction -- the no reaction was because we did not expect India to win any medals and Gold medal was not simply out of contention --But this young man has worked his way to achieve this and this was his third Olympics attempt ( he participated in the Sydney Olymoics as a 17 year old ) and third time was lucky--

Istill remember the last time we won gold was at the Moscow Olympics in 1980 when the Indian Hockey team won Gold and we had our school principal announce this at the morning school assembly and we all cheered and then did not for the next 28 years -- wealways talked off near misses ( PT Usha missing a bronze by hundredth of a second and so on )-- And I can see how this medal is being appreciated -- Should we not raise the bar ? Should we not be competing with the likes of China , US and Korea at the top of the medal tally rather than just one Gold medal--
Hope our administrators will think on those lines rather than yank about this till the next Olympics and create the right infrastructure !!


To be honest, I was hoping that India could win a couple of medals in the shooting department. Our team has clearly raised the bar having topped the shooting charts in the commonwealth games, but the bad news on the first 2 days was draining all my hopes. I thought it was just another Olympics where our performances are dwarfed by record setting competitors.

Abinav was fortunate to be born in a millionaire family which could afford to provide him a shooting range at his home. Nevertheless, the contribution from the corporates, government and more recently the deep pocketed mittal trust should be commended.

If only the cash and other rewards are provided to our sporting community prior to their victories, we could see more bindras and rathores in the future at which point we should see India within the first few rows of the medals tally (it really is a pain to search our countries name in the medals tally in the recent few Olympics, but its much better than not been able find it!!).

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