June 22nd --

Rotary Club -- Golden Jubliee Year

Rotary plans well ahead -- As this year draws to a close ( Rotary works Jul - June ) , next year is a great year for all the members of our club and special too for the Rotary club of Madras South itself of which I am a proud member -- Special because of the fact it is the Golden Jubliee year - the club was chartered in 1960 and is the second oldest club in Chennai - We still have Chartered members with the club and very active in the club and in Rotary events and providing guidance and direction to the young guys -- The chartered members (around four months ago ) initiated discussions on celebrating the golden jubliee year -- We were unstuck by this initiative coming in from seniors ( they hate when we mention their age ) -- they did not stop with this -- They were willing and have contrbuted staggering sums to fund the events -- Once this came in , rest of the members swung in to action and plans started unfolding -- Everyone wanted to do something since it was the Golden jubilee year -- A special comitte was formed -- Anns became integral part of this -- This is greatest thing about Rotary -- Wives ( Anns in Rotary parlance) get involved and their collective power and capablity is overwhelming - So a small spark has helped lay out grand plans and as we looked at the amount of work done in various areas ,it was amazing to see the involvement of people , the change that we have been able to bring in -- Just fantastic work all over
So we are all set for the new year at Rotary -- We had the board meeting last week that kind of blessed all the plans and also set up governance to monitor-
I will keep writing about various events that will go on for a year -- I do not want to write about it and take the surprise away - As far I am concerned , I will be a key support member for all the community development that will happen in this year and that is what is closest to my heart and I feel happy and proud to be touching people in one way or the other-

I thought it will be apt to talk about the four way test that we Rotarians apply when we are faced with a dilemma

Is it the Truth ?

Is it Fair to all concerned ?

Will it build goodwill and better friendship ?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned ?



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