Just for Roger Federer

  • This is for Fedex the champion of all times

    I had my text ready to go on Saturday itself for this blog -- It was structured for Federer to win --- But the actual match went in a different way to the text but the end result was in my favour --
    Earlier late on Friday Indian time , I watched Andy Roddick (caught up in the second set ) win past Andy Murray , the great British hope to enter the final ( mind you , not win the final but enter the final )- For the first time , I watched the crowd at Wimbledon was " human " after all - There were catcalls , someone yelled "fault " as Roddick was serving and any error by Roddick was greeted by thunderous applause -- I can understand this sentiment for since 1936, no Englishmen had come this far and Andy Murray had the chance to create history -- But Roddick was too strong -- not just for Murray but for the crowd as well - Roddick once the hot headed American was cool , did not show any emotion or reaction to any of the crowd antics , served and played superbly to get in to the final - Federer earlier had booked his place for destiny by beating Tommy Haas-
  • I told my wife that I am unavailable from 6:30 PM on Sunday -- I did not want to miss anything -- and boy did I miss anything -- No -- It was wonderful exhibition of tennis from both Roddick and Federer and matched lasted well over four hours -- I sat at different places -- on the sofa , on the floor and when it ended I was watching it standing -- Such was the intensity that this match generated for me -- The commentary by Vijay Amritaraj and Alan Wilkins was of the highest standard -- Alan said that Roddick used the racquet as a "hardware" while Federer used it as a " Magic wand " -- Such was the difference in their style of play-- One thought Federer will run over -- NO -- Roddick played magnificently , serving deep and with amazing consistency -- Federer did not break his serve through the match except for the one critical break that gave him the trophy-- Roddick began well winning the first set and then in the second set tie break ran a lead of 6 -2 and then loosing the lead and the second set -- I think this is where he lost the match although he did win the fourth set -- Roddick was the better player on this day but sport is cruel at times --
  • Federer won his sixth Wimbledon and with that his 15th Major Grand slam that beat the record held by Pete Sampras -- Pete Sampras flew in especially for this match and acknowledged Federer as a great champion , legend and Icon -- that was cool-- Roddick was so nice in his post interview as well and acknowledged Federer on his triumph -- Federer does not look like giving up after this and he wants his baby to see him playing - Mind you the baby is yet to be born for Fedex's wife is eight months pregnant and she watched the entire match from the Box seat and did not move during the four hour match -- that was amazing as well --
  • Federer is a truly focussed individual who has no coach and decides what he wants to do on the court and is mostly on auto mode and enjoys his Tennis -- Pete Sampras said he did not find a chink in his style of play !!
  • To a Tennis fan , the entire match was great to watch and no one knew which way the match will go in the fifth set --


Chid said…
Great way of putting things in perspective - I am a Fedex fan myself and I felt that throughout the match, while FED was booming with his serve, dishing out aces all the time, he did mishit the ball quite a few times. The unforced error ratio was quite high, for Fed's standards.

This is not a chink in the armor as many a Press release would love to shower their words upon, but merely an overdose of the game that is showing up. "We all deserve a break" said Vijay Amritraj towards the end where the match wouldn't quite end. I think he echoed our thoughts as well...
Chid said…
Just one more thing - the way you write this blog is more like a string of sms-es. While the content is great, it would be nice if you can present it as paragraphs - the good old fashioned way.

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