Happy New Year Jan 4th Update

Quotable Quotes of the week

Life isn't all about working hard and being successful. Humility is very important - Uday Chopra Actor

If the Congress party gets weak , then India becomes weak -- Man Mohan Singh PM

Our country can be saved only if a permit system is introduced in Mumbai and Delhi -- Bal Thackeray Shiv Sena Supremo on the influx of migrants

Look at me , I am 86. My age disproves the wild allegations being spread . With your love, I just have a few more years. ND Tiwari Former Andra Pradesh Governor on the sex scandal that cost his job

Welcome 2010

The last two weeks of December 2009 was great -- It was because I did some of those things that I could not do throughout the year and enjoyed doing them now when I got the best opportunity -

Here it goes....

Caught up with friends , ex colleagues , my mentor and good adviser , associates whom I could not meet socially through the year

Went off the network for five days ( no access to emails but could not avoid the mobile phone which has become a part of your system ). The result was just great and you find so much time for everything else. We could be very happy without seeing emails , other sites etc.,

Went to a temple that I have not visited before . This was exploratory , peep in to history and also little bit of exercise as well. Family enjoyed this one so well.

Went to my favourite temple on a day there was no crowd ( Jan 2nd -- the temple was deserted whereas on Jan 1 it would have been impossible to get darshan ). Again , it was pleasure going with extended family ..

Did my year end holiday to one of our favourite destinations and the drive through the NH45 ( Chennai -Trichy ) was just great ( why cannot all roads be like this )- Drove close to 1200 KMS and it was very enjoyable for most parts--

Did spend so much time at home and family that at one point , was asked when am I getting back to work from office ? ( ahh that hurts )

Like all good things have to come to an end, back to work -

The challenge and madness of 2010 has started -


pandiyan said…
Journey was enjoyable for the most part...

What happened?
Sri said…
Pandiyan -- Just the state of the roads hamper the bliss of driving pleasure and so extn of NH45 from Trichy to Dindgul spoiled that ...Nothing else happened !!

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