Feb 15th...

Quotable Quotes of the week

I have seen poverty, you can't erase that part of you. But I have also seen what can happen with good education.. You can wipe caste out , you can wipe poverty -- Sam Pitroda Telecom Czar

Terrorists are enemies of Islam and humanity who do not even know which nation they wanted to fight -- Yusuf Raza Gilani Pakistan PM

Every educated youngster should have a perspective about how our polity works and what our
Constitution seeks to achieve - Meira Kumar Lok Sabha Speaker

Australia and Australians need to recognise the realities of India's evolving society and emergence as a global influence --Stephen Smith Australian foreign minister

Humour Club Meeting of Feb 10-- Change that I did not like at all

I have written in my various posts on the "stress reliever" factor that this forum enables once a month . This month , the Humour Club made a change that brought me stress. The normal open session went off as usual. Then the meeting cadence changed ( this was evident in the agenda sent out earlier to members but I missed it ) . The main session was made in to a musical competition section with three singers of repute being made judges . The participant singers were children who had during the past year meetings rendered invocation songs for the meetings.
I did not quite understand why this was put in to the agenda. The intention of all the members attending was to get Humour and not to attend to a musical competition . If that was the intent , there are enough forums in the city to cater to this need . I stayed on to listen to two singers but in spite of the good performance , the mind would not simply stay at the venue as the expectation of a good laugh disappeared at this agenda. I found many a company in walking out !! I am writing to the organising committee to stick to their basics which I think is their core strength.


The drama continued .Arsenal are back but only just . With the mid week matches being played over the last week , Chelsea lost to Everton and stayed where they were till last week i.e. 59 points - ManU drew their match and climbed to 58 -- If they had won , they would have been the leaders on the table . And Arsenal beat Liverpool to climb to 52 and that is not bad at all. Just six points drift of second place and seven of the leader compared to the nine points that they were behind the leader after the previous weekend matches. It is becoming difficult to pick out trends and this could go any where .


Dharani said…
Interesting... Humour club... Where is that???

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