200 !!

Quotable Quotes

A Dad is a mess maker, rule - breaker, risk- taker and the opposite of mom who is usually seen as a creator and a nurturer- Shah Rukh Khan Actor

They are friends and love each other a lot. That's why they came so close to each other -- Shahid Afridi Pakistani skipper on the mid pitch altercations between Harbhjan Singh of India and Shoiab Akhtar of Pakistan -- Well said Shahid-- he seems to be enjoying the captaincy post !! Not sure for how long knowing the way the Pakistani board works

Hindi movies these days are not suitable for family viewing. If given a chance, I would like to clear the mess - Lalu Prasad Yadav RJD Leader

My target is to make 2011 -12 a year of double digit growth --Pranab Mukherjee Union Finance Minister.

This one will affect you

A sincere request to you to watch this video. It takes just 15 Min's of your time, but could probably change your life.
I looked at this video and it had a very deadly effect on me --Aghast at few things , shocked at many things that you hear over this video .
Looking for thoughts from you if we can work together for this….

Noticed this at a Facebook Wall ( must be a audit firm )

We believe in God , the rest we audit

Tamil Sign Boards

I do not want to get in to a discussion as to whether this mandatory display boards are going to help the growth of the language but believe me , I learnt a lot of new words as I walked on the busy TTK road and tried to read out the Tamil sign boards.. I am not sure if I can pronounce them correctly and if they reflect the actual English meaning . Try out your area !!

The Football Fever

Glad that some hyped teams are out of the world cup and we are watching some classic contests take place and we see strong performances.
The French were a story for a good Tamil masala movie-- They had a player sent off , the team captain refused to train , no one knew who the villain was , the coach refused to shake hands with his South African counterpart when they lost and the mother of the Coach defended him ( wow , Amma Sentiment ) and now the head of their football federation has quit -- Any producers reading this ?
The Italians did not do any of this -- They remained a team but did not play football …

The English side was the most hyped of the lot. They had nothing to shout about after Germany clinically annihilated them. The English team has players-- who are superstar in their own right and hence cannot play as team and as a cohesive unit.

Argentina for all their struggle to qualify ,seem a good bet to lay their hand on the trophy.. I have only one problem in them winning it. Their coach Maradona has informed that he will parade without clothes in Buenos Aires if they win. This statement from their Coach does not want me to name them as favourites.. My bet is on still on them.. They have shown the strongest performance in all their games.

Let us see -- If we have to watch a Maradona show in Buenos Aires, then be it

The Blogging so far ---

I started sharing few things amongst very few people in early 2005 and this was primarily done on email . This was not probably the best way and I could not keep archives of the emails in one place and then heard about the blog sites and Srividya (ex colleague now in UK ) helped me to create my blog site and I started in June 2006.
I looked up at my archives of my blog site -- It has been a self education journey as I see it so far .. and a embarrassment as well .. Embarrassment ? Yes , I was , as I looked at the posts in 2006 and 2007. ( I looked up as I prepared for this post ) They were unstructured , no headers , no flow of thoughts / topics etc . And the posts did not reflect my thoughts well.

But overtime I noticed changes on the improvement side to the blog. That was good. To me , writing has helped ( not sure if the readers felt the same way ). It has helped me to structure thoughts very clearly and also give opinions. I have had excellent input from my limited readers who have helped in shaping up the blogsite.

The blog has helped me share views , thoughts , my opinion in various topics.
If I had penned down and sent my articles to a newspaper to publish , I know the results . I would have more "return mails" than sent ones !! The blog has given me a freedom to express thoughts and in my own way.That to me has been the biggest assistance to me to keep my interests alive in writing short columns.
I have been energised to write and that has helped in keeping the blog posts alive every week. I will continue to do ( sorry , you have to read ) as long I enjoy writing , sharing lot of things that do make an impact on me and that I feel are worth sharing.

My sincere thanks to all those who have had to bear the weekly lore from me and have given their comments through various channels and helped me to keep this going .


Naresh said…
I liked your "The Blogging so Far "

While you recalling your memory about Vidya helping you to create a blog site, it did kindle my memory about the first interview of my life… yes it was done by the duo yourself and Vidya… funny part is I was afraid of her for no reason rather than you …. But she was nice to me by not questioning...

Anonymous said…
S Balaji Said...
Congratulations...on your Grand 200!!! Absolutely fantastic achievement!!Great persistence !!

S Balaji
Anonymous said…
Hi Sri
Congrats for the 200th post. I pray god to give you more strength and courage to write more. If the messages penned in your blog is good, i am behind u. If it is too good still i am there behind u as nakeerar. Thats why it is too good.!!!

Srividya (wife)
Anonymous said…

Congratulations on the Double Hundred ! Fantastice Stuff !

I share the same view on the tamil sign boards - it was exciting to learn new words ! Did you know : Noruvaigal - means snacks,
Vedhubagam - means bakery and more...

Sri said…
Should have written about this .. Behind every man there is a woman ( read wife ) .. Why ? because they are the ones who can give a different view not in line with yours.. I agree Nakkerrar ( myrespectful wife ) was behind all the motivation to write and if my blog is good , it is to her credit. What a errata , i made as i compiled my blog -- one more lesson learnt
Anonymous said…
Congrats Sri on the double century.

Nice summary on Football so far. You seem to have missed the F1 racing this week.

If anyone gets an opportunity to see the highlights of Valencia racing of last week, don't miss the collision of two cars cruising almost @ 300 KMPH. This happened in the 11 lap of the race and it just demonstrated the latest safety features - both inside a F1 car and on the track.

One of the car (Webber) was air-borne, went upside down, turned 360 degrees before it hit the wall -- the replay was from the camera placed inside his car and you could imagine what would have gone thro the driver's head during those 4-5 seconds.

Both the drivers survived the crash without a small bruise on them.

Sri said…
Thanks Radha-
Deliberately did not cover the F1 . I did witness the Weber incident with horror but was happy that he survived without any bruises to him.. the car was at 190KMPH at that time ...Thanks Sri
Anonymous said…
Congratations!..Not easy to keep momentum going for almost 5 years!..Yes, remember the blog creation..I look forward to reading it every week!
Sorry Naresh!..If i came across like a terror!
Bye Vidhya
Ganesh said…
Worth waiting for your 200th. Amazed by your dedication, when I started blogging thought of doing it atleast once in a month...but never able to achive that...
Pramodini said…
Sri - You rock, as always!!! All blogs have been very interesting & informative. The conscious effort in promoting Community work through your blogs has been your speciality. I have felt the FBSC Connect many times reading your blogs, thansks!!
Venky said…
Sri, Congratulations in completing 200 blog posts. Being a blogger myself, i know it is not easy for busy people like you to be disciplined about weekly blogging. You have been inspiring for my blogging discipline, though I have not been very disciplined.Kudos and look forward to your 500th blog post.
Anonymous said…
Loving that, good info! If you nettle a unplanned come to a stop next to because we obtain a new disengage training program seeing that those looking to start their own internet affair online,..

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