What do you think ?

Quotable Quotes of the week

Silence is the best gift one can give oneself -- Karan Johar Film Director

If Mahatma Gandhi were alive today, he would be in jail in Dantewada - Himanshu Kumar Gandhian , on conflict between the state and the Maoists in the region

I am an ardent believer in destiny and have always trusted in the Almighty and what He has in store for me -Sushmita Sen Actor

The Traffic Chaos in my Locality

I did not want to write about this since the traffic police team had put in their sharp minds to ensure smooth flow.

Couple of months ago,changes were made. It took the system a few weeks to understand the changes. The changes resulted in a " No entry" road became a " Entry " road and Vice Versa .Many roads around my locality became " No entry " . Suddenly , the traffic was going in circles - No joke here- This was just like a " Circular ref " in Excel !!

The public reacted . There were some very local protests -Small Changes were made - More small changes were made. Few roads came back to their original status ( do not ask me what their status was originally ) . Here is the current status :

This week end , as I went around , it was chaos. With so many changes happening , no one knows what the status is . Every one has a say. You go in to road that is one way from your end , you will find traffic coming from the other side as well. You ask the guy in the opposite direction , as to why he is coming in a "One way Road" , he will say , it is " One way " from my side !! And he will give you a volley of words and get on ..- There are so many edits to the sign boards of the roads -- Hopefully , some order is restored soon and the Traffic Police will come clear with the right directions ( the area is TTK Road , CP Ramaswamy Road and the lanes that connect it ) -- Try these roads , (if you have nothing else to do), you will have some fun

Consider the following

Three straight accidents that impacted me and many terribly
1. Air India Flight crashes -- 158 die -- The four year old kid ( Viola ) who lost her parents in the crash is fresh in your memory.. What is the future for her ?
2. Train tragedy at Bengal -- The sight of the army guys pulling out a eight or nine year old girl from the wreckage sinks in to your memory
3. A bus goes off road, plunges in to a gorge , catches fire leaves people dead. Young child survivor looses his mother in the accident …( Karnataka )

All these accidents ,absolutely unexpected and within hours , death takes away people without notice …
I see lot of Tweets , Face book comments on the Internet " on whose is to blame" for these accidents-- ?
Forget the blame portion , just think of the near and dear ones who lost their family members in the most unfortunate way.. and what is the future for some survivors ?

One more hot topic connected with the accidents is the compensation factor- Air crash -- close to INR 10 Lakh per person who died , train less than half of the Air crash amount and those that dies in the bus accident ,probably nothing !! Something is wrong here --How does one put a price on his life by the mode of travel ?

Must have been one of those weeks …. Hope things turn for the better


Unknown said…
You are true. Air India crash - one of the passengers came to india for his father's funeral. It is unfortunate.
Anonymous said…
Death is good in general but cruel on survivors. Babu PR
Venky said…

I echo your sentiments on the traffic around the Alwarpet junction. I was visiting Alwarpet quite regularly couple of weeks back as my sister in law got married in a marriage hall in that area, and it was very confusing.

May has been a very cruel month for India as there have been quite a few tragedies. I hope people can learn lessons and reduce such disasters in the future.


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