Quotable Quotes of the week

I hate going to the Gym. It's a occupational hazard. If I weren't an actress, I wouldn't ever look at the Gym. - Priyanka Chopra Actress

She has neither the time , nor the concern -- Lalu Prasad on Railway Minister Mamta Bannerji's apparent negligence of her portfolio

First kiss, sex, addictions, heart attacks… everything is happening so early these days. Dr Harish Shetty Psychiatrist

Murali -- The Smiling Assassin

Muttiah Muralidharan took a brave decision on his retirement . He announced that the Galle test between Srilanka and India would be his last test. Murali had to take eight wickets to get to 800 test wickets which no other bowler has done so far and if one was in his position , you would leave it open. Get to 800 in whatever time it takes and then announce retirement . But Murali did what he did .

This speaks volumes about this man's ability , his beliefs and his self confidence. He did get the eight wickets that were needed to get to 800 and it was too close as he got 800, taking the last Indian wicket to end the test !
Fantastic achievement for a Cricketer whose career was on the rocks in 1995. I was a witness to Murali being no balled N number of times by the umpires in the Srilanka - Australia series ( Telecast live ). He was no balled as his action was suspect and he was throwing and not bowling was the complaint. Credit to Murali , as he overcame that and continued on his journey. One person who made a tremendous influence at that moment of crisis was his then Captain Arjuna Ranatune. As Murali was no balled at each instance , Arjuna walked his team off the ground in protest. The game was held up for a while , resumed , but the news made headlines. Murali then went through advanced sports medical equipment that helped to prove that he was not chucking .. The rest is all history ( Some Aussies still believe he chucks !! )
There is a great inspirational story from this simple man.. I think Murali had the following great characters and support that lead to him scale the Peak .
1. Unrelenting focus on the game
2. Great Determination to succeed
3. Innovating all the time
4. Ability to bounce back from failures ( read injuries )
5. Accepting criticism and learning from it
6. fantastic support from his leaders
7. Never chased a record
8. Being Simple
9. Respecting his competitors
10 Ever Smiling !!!
Murali has a record that will be very difficult to break . No one is close to him.. What a record , it would be be to emulate

Formula 1 at the German GP

The races continued to disappoint.. And Ferrari's decision to allow Alonso , their preferred driver to pass over Massa who was leading will only add to the woes of this sport. The reflection of the decision was evident in the Post race conference. Massa answering the specific question of the team decision . He said with a stern face and a body language that did not reflect his ambitions to win the race " we race for the team and that is important ". Great words but do they mean what was intended ? Not at all .. Whatever action , the racing federation takes on Ferrari ( including a potential ban ) is not going matter !!

The Week End Relaxation
Probably , I would call this a overdose of relaxation .. I had two events on Sunday and those were terrific ways to balance out your week day work.
The first was a Heritage event program which is arranged on a monthly basis by one of our Rotarians. This month's program had around 83 songs of the Hindi Film music of the 1950 and 1960's admirably compiled by one more Rotarian and the CD ran for close to two hours. The melodies of Rafi , Kishore < Mannady , Mukesh with Lata Mangeskar and Asha Bhonsle with Composers Naushad, OP Nayyar , SD Burman, Ramachandra ( to name a few ) were a treat to lovers of classical , melodious Hindi music. The anecdotes and briefing to every song done by Mr SR Madhu were fabulous .. A great journey down memory lane.. ( no i was not born these times but grew up enjoying listening to them )

If Sunday morning went that way , the evening was filled with a laughter riot for close to four hours as the Triplicane Chapter of the Humour club celebrated its 27th Anniversary. There was a huge Q to get in to the hall from 3.15 PM when the gates opened and this only spoke volumes of the event. I got covered in the Souvenir released at the Function and so the enthusiasm to attend and enjoy was more … Fabulous time with great speakers


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