The Car Rally for a Good Cause
The Fund Raising Program at our Club Rotary Madras South The fund raising event at the Rotary club is an annual event . Each Rotary club raises money to do as many community projects as they can. So, Fund raising project is a key event in a Rotary Club's calendar. This year the event was special . We had our lady Rotary member Asha Marina, who is the Club's Fund Raising Director spearhead the whole effort and what a good job she did, can be figured out easily as you read this post. The Rotary Madras South ( I am a member of this club ) board agreed that the event to raise funds would be a Picnic Car rally. Key things that had to be done were : 1. Get a reputable organisation to conduct the rally. The Madras Motor Sports Club was approached to conduct the rally and they agreed. 2. Lining up sponsors was the next big thing. Ford in India agreed to be the Gold sponsor . LIC and Inno Geo city were other affiliate sponsors. For Ford , to partner with Rotary, it connected very well ...