Week end work --Saturday - List of things to do -- Get them done and …. ?

Had plenty of things to do on Saturday. Had to get to three banks -- two of them nationalised and one private bank . Got to complete few open items with all three of them. You might ask - "So what ? The fact was that certain things whenever we attempted to complete on the previous occasions with the same banks, were pushed back , rejected , person not available etc… So , to me it was great to do what we were able to do. Then the day went on great lines .. Had a afternoon quick Nap , Went to the latest craze mall , got a parking slot as I entered ( what luck ) , completed shopping in spite of the mad crowds. Did a mini walk in the evening , Had dinner with my in laws who were visiting us ( very sensitive and had to get this right ) and watched my favourite team play well and beat their rivals 5 -0 in football ( ManU beat Birmingham City ) , watched the sports quiz, dialled in and answered a good question and at the end of this day going so well , one should sleep well .. Is it not ?
No .,spent the whole night worrying how a day could be so good and worried about how the Sunday will be !!

Manam oru Korangu -- How true !!

The Great Grandson Arrives in the Family

My first Cousin's daughter in law gave birth to a boy.. So this little one is the our generation's great grand son in our family. We had the naming ceremony over the week end Sunday and all went well till the time came for us to give gifts to the little one. The priest who conducted the ritual , wanted to announce the name the person giving the gift by his relationship to the little and then handover the gift. As my turn came up, he delivered with a panache , that the gift for the little one was from his Mama Thatta ( Grand father uncle ? )…. It never helps if one tells in public that you are old .. This announcement in the crowd was a testimony to that !!

The One day Series and the Build up to the World Cup

India did extremely well to stay in hunt for a series win but South Africa had the last laugh to win the series Three games to two. South Africa's plan were very nearly derailed by Yusuf Pathan. Pathan smashed the ball around the Supersports Park Centurion in the last game and none of the South African bowlers had any clue as to how to bowl to him. Runs flowed as Pathan kept clearing the boundary at will and with ease. The sound of the ball being tanked by Pathan was a melody to the Indian viewers.. However , with victory not far off, Pathan fell and with his dismissal , India lost the game and the series. Pathan could be the key man on the Indian Sub continent wickets for India to take a crack at the world cup…
Australia seem to be back in their strides or is it the English who are still in their Ashes victory who are slipping. Either way, Aussies have won three on the trot in their one day series

The Aussie Open is now being termed as "Rafa Slam "-- Just showing how dominant Nadal has been in the Grand Slams and the expectation is Nadal will win this one as well.
I am still counting on Fedex to win --- Exciting games ahead this week


Aravind said…
How about 'Grand Uncle'? similar to grand father :)

Sometimes it is real fun - when Vaibhav was born, he was already a Chithappa! My sister-in-law has a grand daughter who is a few months' older -- the gap due to the fact that the previous generation had a lot of siblings. Interesting!

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