The Credit Card Compromise
This happened to me around a month ago – It was a Friday night , and I just got to bed and must have been half asleep when the ring tone for my SMS rang continuously – Must have been four messages – I do not get many SMS messages these days – may be one a day and four at that time was unusual . I hauled myself out of bed to take a look – The next five minutes , my emotions ran from shock to anxiety to disbelief to high tension and finally some relief but ended with lot of worries – What I read was four messages indicating OTP numbers being generated for Foreign Currency transactions . As I was just trying to figure out , I got two more SMS messages that indicated completion of transactions in British Pound Currency and US Dollars—The total of the transactions that were executed were half my credit limit With my pulse pounding , I called the Call Center ( I remembered this instantly which was my advantage at that point ) , punched in my Card Detai...