The Credit Card Compromise

This happened to me around a month ago –
It was a Friday  night , and I just got to bed and must have been half asleep when the ring tone for my SMS rang continuously – Must have been four messages – I do not get many SMS messages these days  – may be one a day and four at that time was unusual . I hauled myself out of bed to take a look – The next five minutes , my emotions ran  from shock to anxiety to disbelief to high tension and finally some relief but  ended with lot of worries –
What I read was four messages indicating OTP numbers being generated for Foreign Currency transactions . As I was just trying to figure out , I got two more SMS messages that indicated completion of transactions in British Pound Currency and US Dollars—The total of the transactions that were executed were half my credit limit  With my pulse pounding , I called the Call Center ( I remembered this instantly which was my advantage at that point ) , punched in my Card Details, verified my credentials  and quickly got to the executive – I requested him to first block the card – My anxiety was that whoever got my card details can still use it and get the balance of the credit limit available . Mercifully , during this call with the bank , I did not get any more SMS messages – the bank person confirmed that he had blocked the card – When I explained that the card was with me and the transactions were fraudulent , he raised the dispute on the two transactions and assured that the bank will not honour if the merchant who executed the transactions presented it for payment . But , he said a Police complaint had to be formally lodged ASAP. He also asked me if he can send a replacement card . In that state , I did not want a new card – The call being completed and although being assured , I could not sleep for a couple of hours. I was wondering where and how the compromise of my card could have occurred – just could not figure it out that night and till now .

The next day , I started my journey to file the Police complaint – I went to the local police station,  who referred me to the Cyber Crime Cell that operated out from a central location.
As I reached , I was stopped at the gate and the person at the gate was very nice – Once I made him aware of the issue , he quickly told me what needs to be done –
Complaint letter , Copies of the SMS that I got , Credit card copies etc etc. – he guided me to the nearest Business Center( Xerox kadai ) that can print out / take copies of all that I needed . The shop guys were more welcoming – “ Enna sir ? Credit Card pocha ? “ . We will set you all the documents – We see plenty of customers was their response. Within minutes  I was armed with all copies , complaint letter etc etc.. The guy at the gate now welcomed me  back --  “’ Ellam Correcta Irukku”  -- neenga ulla Pollam --- But from there, I had to pass through three security/ visitor pass scrutiny’s, before I could get to the  Main Complaint receipt section . Waiting time for personnel to arrive was close to one hour.. Write here , give this copy , sign here , go to that desk and I moved from one desk to another. Once the complaint was recorded , I was asked to see the “ Cyber Cell “for Bank Frauds – Once more round of forms , copies of documents , same documents and again after recording my statement and updating in to their system , I was told that I need not worry and monies would be got back – Whole process although it took six hours was comforting as the Cops who dealt with this seem to know what was happening ( as I write this,  one wrong usage of US dollars has been reversed ) –
 Some learnings that I wanted to share :

1.      Do not be too much thrilled  if the bank gives you a big Credit limit – higher the limit , higher the risk when the card gets misused.
2.      Do not leave the CVV number on the card – Memorise and then scratch it off the card.
3.      OTP  is not a requirement when the card is used for Foreign currency transactions – Once the fraudsters get your card details , they can pretty much use the card with no strings attached.
4.      Keep the Call Center numbers of your Credit card agency always accessible to you – it is important to respond quickly and block the card
5.      Do file the Police Complaint – it may be time taking but the process works –
6.      Avoid using the card in  remote stores ( mainly on highways )— I had travelled just a couple of days prior and was happy to use the Card wherever it was accepted in remote areas.
7.      My card seems to have been compromised in the International Airport through which I came but it is very difficult to conclude
8.      Do not leave the credit card – Always have physical custody of it – Be extra attentive when using it -
9.      Credit cards may be a great convenience tool when travelling or otherwise but Cash remains King !


Prasanna said…
Scary Sri , of late have been hearing stories on these . I try to keep all the mobile based bank apps off from the mobile . Digital world is very vulnerable
Good lessons Sri. Even i had a bitter experience when i went to South Africa for a family holiday. When I came back to Kuwait and perused my credit card statement, I found that one particular gift shop where i used my card to buy charged me with many other transactions not done by me. However, upon pointing it out to the Bank, they reversed and refunded the amount promptly. CC is truly a dangerous stuff to carry!
Anonymous said…
...and the King is dying. If WhatsApp pay comes, there will be more adoption and along with it comes more peril.
Prabhu said…
Very informative !!! My main takeaway is not to panic but to take certain steps (which I learnt from this blog). Simple thing like CVV (it is still unscratched in my CC). Now I will memorize not only the CVV but also the series of steps outlined in the blog... Also my personal belief is that Digital is safer and better than cash.. In your case too, one of the transaction got reversed and the other will hopefully get done too. But had it been cash, it might have been swahah without any trace ...
Unknown said…
Its always better to be aware than to feel sorry... Thanks for sharing..
Partha said…

You are absolutely right with regards to Credit limit - the higher the limit and the higher the risk. A few years back, I had been to Sri Lanka on holiday and I had informed Citi bank before I went. After returning, the first thing the bank did was advising me to have a replacement card since the card was used at high risk places.
So, from thereon, during every trip abroad be it official or personal, I have the habit of informing my bank and as far as possible use only one credit card apart from the corporate card. Keep watching your emails when you have changed the SIM card. this is painful but it helps.

Laxmi Bitra said…
Sri, it is an Alert and further as a first step , need to check with the Bank to reduce my current Credit limit...... :)
shobha arvind said…
Very scary ... Need to be more alert - especially in remote areas and highways - we always feel great when it's accepted n small petty places . Thanks for sharing
Naresh said…
Thanks for Sharing Sri. Few years back my Debit card got skimmed, with great difficulty I received the acceptance of the comlaint & got the money back after 15 days, bank was very co-operative. From banks Internal sources I learnt that my card was skimmed at Lorry owner association petrol bunk near Alexander Square (Guindy - Chinna Malai). Petrol bunks are said to be the most vulnerable place for these kind of activities.

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