July 24th Updates

8 is the number of major injuries Sachin Tendulkar has sustained in his international career.

150 years of imprisonment was awarded to Gregory John Mitchel for child pornography crime in Washington

3,500 pages of letters were written by Albert Einstein to his two wives and four children


I will truly reflect on my magnificent career only after I retire-- Michael Schmacher Formula 1 Champion

Men first. Myself. Then other women. Because you can't please women-- Elizabeth Taylor on priorities in life ( well said )

We cannot just arrest anyone who prays five times and has a beard -- Khursid Kasuri-- Pakistan Foreign Minister on Pakistan is not doing enough to curb terrorism.

Well, I have a stupid income to do that-- Angelina Jolie Hollywood actor on why she spends one - third of her income on charity


A little knowledge is an emasculating thing and some policemen in Kozhikode proved it the other day. Six persons who were arrested from a " massage center " which allegedly doubled as a sex den, were subjected to a potency test and the doctor's verdict went thus : " there is nothing to suggest that they are incapable of sexual intercourse". Seeing the words " nothing " and " incapable " the confused policemen wrote down in their report that six were impotent !!!


After Budia Singh, it is the turn of none year old Anastesia to hog the limelight for precisely the same reason. The tribal girl from Sundergarh district ran from Panchala to Ramahal village covering a distance of 60 Kn in 5.4 hours. Her big dream is to sprint 110 KM from Sundergarh to Bhubaneswar on Independence day. That would be some running to do

It was good to go for the walk in to Madurai-- Huge turnout but the hit rate continues to be low-- We got around 50 staff which is not bad--

Cleared my CIA exams and so good news --
Hope you guys had a quiet weekend


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