July 31 week updates


156 Kg is the weight if Silvana Veragara of Italy, who was crowned Miss Fatty 2006

1,027,000 euros worth football memorabilia was stolen from English Footballer Wayne Rooney's apartment in Liverpool

725,000 dollars was spent by Dutch Princess Beatrice for a party on her 18th birthday

225,000 dollars is the price of .925 , one of the most ancient tequilas


I have never claimed to be a angel-- I am a humble sinner-- Imran Khan Former Pakistani Cricket Captain

The excitement is when the bomb goes off not in telling someone about it on the phone-- A terrorist in Tihar Jail

To name and blame , this is first sign of weakness, the first sign of defeat-- Pervez Musharaff on Pakistan being blamed for sponsoring Terrorism in India


This piece of statistics is hard to believe. Panhandlers in India's commercial city, Mumbai earn a whopping INR 180 Crores annually! The last figure for the number of beggars in the city was noted as 3 lakh in 2004. Minister of Social justice Chandrakant Handore now feels enough is enough. He is now seeking amendments in the existing rules to curb beggars activities in the city


As the nation goes gaga over MS Dhoni;s long tresses, baldies in his city, Jamshedpur are preparing to teach their hirsute counterparts a lesson or two. Anyone who mocks or passes snide remarks at their mane less pates will be sued. They have launched a ganja Ekta Union ( association for Bald Men's Unity ) to take them on. A bald, er bold move indeed.

It was good week end -- A rotary function on Saturday evening was the right way to relax- we have a musical tambola-- the tambola instead of having numbers had names of movies both hindi and tamil -- a troupe sang the first few lines based on which one needed to identify the movie and if it appeared on the ticket you had, you wer lucky--nice change from calling numbers-- the MC did a great job and kept it going till we had a full house-- then it was music and great food.

Sunday was good too-- Since it was Nagpanchami, my in laws invaded ( ! ) our house and my wife with my mom's help cooked a great lunch after which I had the inevitable Sunday Nap and then woke up to see my favourite Schmui win the German grand prix.
Hope you guys enjoyed a great week end too


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